Chapter Two: Darren

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Fuck. Fuck fuck fuckity fuck. I silently curse myself as I exit the room. Damn it. How could this have happened so quickly? Less than five minutes alone in a room together and I had practically been drooling over my kid sister's best friend. God, two weeks without sex and suddenly I'm like a horned up teenager again. I'm not even attracted to Carli - she's practically a child! 

Although... if I'm being totally honest with myself, that's not the whole truth. The Carli that I just spoke to is not the Carli that I saw a year or two ago. This Carli is more woman than girl. Shit. There I go again, thinking of her as anything more than a childhood friend. But as I remember the swing of her hips and how soft her skin felt under my fingers, I'm finding it difficult to list all of the reasons this would be a bad idea. 

I need a cold shower, fast. 

I leave Carli to continue reading, and climb the stairs to the second floor two at a time. I think about anything other that the perfect little creature directly below me... although it's difficult to concentrate on anything else when I know the title of the book she's so engrossed in. The second I saw the cover in her hand, coupled with her flushed cheeks, I had to get out of there. Even know, just remembering it, my dick is starting to twitch. 

I reach the bathroom and give myself a long, hard look in the mirror. I am twenty-one years old, tall and muscular, with three day old stubble resting on my cheeks. I should not be lusting over some nineteen year old who's basically just graduated high school. I'm better than this. But my body disagrees.

I hop into the shower and turn the temperature to the coldest setting, thinking it'll jolt me out of... whatever this is. Unfortunately for me, the cold water only heightens the feelings coursing through my body, and it's like every nerve ending is electrified. I turn the dial up to a far safer lukewarm. 

I reach for my shampoo, and absentmindedly squeeze some of it into the palm of my hand before I realise... this isn't my bottle. It's pretty and pink and smells like roses. It's hers. And that is my undoing. 

I groan as any semblance of rational thought flies out the window. All I can think of is Carli, freshly showered, with the scent of this shampoo lingering in her damp hair. Without thinking, I reach for my now semi-erect cock. I stroke my hand over the long shaft slowly, and stifle a moan as I think of her little palm touching me just there. As I stroke faster and faster, I find it harder to keep quiet, and soon I am teetering on the brink of orgasm. I haven't been affected like this by a girl in... well, in a long time. 

Just as I'm reaching my release, I hear a noise coming from the windowsill where I left my phone. I try to ignore it, but the buzzing becomes more insistent, and I turn my head to see a name flash up on the screen. Imogen. 

The thought of her has exactly the impact that I thought the cold shower would, and my dick goes limp so quickly it's almost comical. I just stand in the shower for a long moment, unblinking, staring at the device. 

I finish up quickly and get out of the shower, throwing a towel around my waist. I try to resist the urge to check my phone - she doesn't deserve another second of my time - but curiosity gets the better of me. I've always been hopeless when it comes to Imogen - she was the ballbuster in the relationship. Literally. 

Five missed calls and three texts. Wow. I start to panic - did something happen? But then I open the texts and sigh. Good old Imogen. Always able to manipulate me. The texts are not unexpected, but I still read them with caution. I have to remind myself not to get sucked back in. 

"Hey babe", the first message reads, "Call me back! I miss you. We should talk", followed by a pouty emoji. The second one is more insistent. "Darren, I know you're ignoring me. Fucking hell, just man up and answer the phone. I won't bite." It's only in the third message that she gets to the point.

"Hey. So I know that you don't want to talk to me, and I get it. We both made some mistakes, and I said some things that I didn't mean. But we need to talk it out, Darren. You can't just run away from your feelings forever. At some point, you'll have to come out and face me. You know where I'll be. Imi xx". 

A wave of memories hits me like a freight train, but I push it aside. This is the reason I couldn't stay in France - I just couldn't let her go. But here, away from all the noise of my family and the constant action, I have a real chance of grounding myself again. Finding myself underneath everything that Imogen had forced me to become. 

Sighing again, I think about throwing my clothes back on, but decide against it - my room is just down the hall, and I needed to change out of those clothes anyway. I open the door, still clad only in a towel, and run chest first into Carli. 

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