Chapter 10 Fun At Arcade! (Unpredictable Events)

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I woke up to the breeze of the morning air, the birds sang out to me in their most excellent chirps, I got dressed for my second date with Shaoran Kun.

That kidnapping incident felt like it was a dream, it all seems distant... that mysterious girl who was she I think she was called Mikaru ,What is her relationship with Shaoran Kun? I never really asked him yet, maybe I will try asking him tomorrow.

He came to my doorsteps as expected and so we both set off for our second date. "What are we gonna do?" I said curiously.

"Well that's a secret!" I grinned mischievously as she pouted amd said "eh? Tell me!" "No!" I teased back. Actually we will be going to the arcade today one of my favourite places of all. There were so many games there, well of course I beat every single one of them MUHAHAHA, but still I wanted to share the fun with Sakura. I covered Sakura's eyes as we approached the arcade centre, I counted "1...2...3... SURPRISE!"

Shaoran refused to tell me , then suddenly, he covered my eyes, where us he taking me now? I heard him say "1...2...3...SURPRISE!" As he took his hands away, I saw a colourful place where wait... Is this the arcade? "Omg an arcade?! Yay! " I exclaimed, hugging Shaoran Kun. "Let's get playing!!" We tried loads and tons of games till the point we lost count, like the tapping games and car versus games as well as adventure games. It was like none other experiences I had. Sadly we had to go home.

We had a blast at the arcade I tried out many games with her, I've always played alone at the arcade for once I just wanted to have another person having fun with me. The day was over before anyone noticed it, we were on our way home .

I was lost in thoughts I wondered if this happy moment would last forever there was still that girl who kidnapped me all these things going through my mind just then I heard "SAKURA WATCH OUT!" After that I couldn't remember what I was doing....

Hi guys it's been a long time since I  updated I'm sorry I was lazy and all there will be no picture for awhile until I find the pictures and ask my editor to help me other than that I'll be doing a 1k views special AKA an ova please look foward to it u can send me ideas what I should do for the special anyways thanks for supporting I appreciate it and have a nice day :) btw my new name is ShanaChan14

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