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Today was Monday, which ment Katherine would need to get up extra early to train in the avengers compound gym. I grimaced at the sound of my alarm going off early in the morning, exactly 5:30am. But I couldn't help but groan in annoyance "God damnit, shut up Jarvis!" Stupidly it's humanoid voice said through the speaker "I am afraid Mr Rogers insists you get up, would you like me to play some rock music?" I roll my eyes and get up "No, nevermind I'm getting up. And to Mr Rogers, tell him Kath says he's a pain in everyone's ass" Kath was what I'd always wanted to be named, but of course my parents had to pick the longest most girly name in what felt like the universe.

I slowly stood up from my bed cracking my sore back to relieve all the tension which had built up over the years of avenger business. I walk over to my bedroom closet and quickly scanned through all the possible outfits I could wear "Hm, I think I'll wear this one" I  picked up my usual training outfit since after a bit of training and breakfast I would be leaving for my first solo mission. A solo mission typically was when you go out on a mission but all on your own with little to no supervision. Honestly I was over the moon about finally having the other avengers recognise the fact that I'm not just a little girl, sure I'm fifteen (whatever age you are) but so was Peter Parker, my boyfriend. Peter had been my boyfriend for three years now.

After  I had gotten changed I went downstairs and made an attempt to walk into the training room only to be stopped by both Natasha And Steve. Steve in a fatherly tone asks "Kath have you eaten yet Hun?" I shrug as Nat says "You're gonna need your strength for today. So please go eat" I did know that they were only looking out for me but I  was tired of being told what to do by everyone I met so lied "Yeah, I had apple and a yogurt" To be completely honest with you I wasn't very proud of lying. But when it came to lying. It  was so easy for me, almost natural. But most of the time people believed me. Nat gave me a a quick glance "Alright, if you need anything me and Steve will be in the briefing hall with the others" Natasha was the nicest person to me. I knew her like she was the mother I  never got to have "Alright" Kath nods walking into the training room feeling slightly guilty but also relieved she was the only one there as usually Steve would be there bossing everyone around like he's the General of the army or something.


Crossover is coming soon😁

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