-Living Together-

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Vox stopped living on the streets, and moved in with Alastor.

Alastor brought Vox back to his home out in the woods, it being a good sized structure, with an extra bedroom where Vox could live for the time being.
Alastor showed him around, Vox thinking that he could get lost in the maze of the house, even though it was of average size.
Alastor showed Vox where he would be staying.
A quaint, yet humble furnished with a bed and dresser. And it was right down the hall from Alastor's room.
Vox graciously accepted the room, making himself comfy.

Alastor let him relax and recoup for a while, calling him down to help with dinner about a half hour later.
"Vox! Come help me with dinner, will you?" Alastor shouted up the stairs, humming along to the song playing on the antique radio sitting in the corner of the kitchen.

"Coming!" Vox hurried downstairs. "What we makin'?"

Alastor grinned, holding out a knife.
"Just some regular soup. Cut up the vegetables sitting on the counter. We'll add those in."
Vox nodded, took the knife and started chopping away awkwardly at the large vegetables. (Let's just say he wasn't the most skilled when it came to cutting, chopping, ect.)

It only took Vox a few minutes of standing in the kitchen to glance up, then have to take a second look at his surroundings.
There were jars upon jars of various items placed across rows of shelves, things hanging by string tied to edges to hold them in place. Not to mention the radios.

Vox peered through the large doorway into the dining room, gazing at the wall that was entirely lined with dozens upon dozens of old antique radios.

"Uh...you certainly like radios, huh?" Vox said, slightly weirded out and guessing that there were even more in some other room elsewhere.

Alastor nodded, chuckling. "Of course! They're my pride and joy. Don't you think they look lovely~?"

"...they sure do..." Was all Vox had to say about the curiosity in the other room.

Vox finished chopping the assorted vegetables. "I'm done...I guess?" A fair amount of the veggies were misshapen, due to the angle at which Vox had cut them, having minimal experience working in a kitchen.

Alastor nodded, looking at it curiously. "Go and dump it in the pot."

Vox nodded, looking confused for some reason, and slipped the veggies into the soup pot.

The two sat down at the kitchen table, waiting for the food to finish cooking.

Vox fiddled with his hands. "So...how're ya?" He asked, not knowing what to talk about.

Alastor nodded. "Fine as ever. You~?"
Vox shifted in his seat. "To be honest, not awesome. Thanks for helping me, man."
Alastor nodded, not having a very good understanding of new developing slang words. "Of course."

The two just sat sat in awkward silence, Vox shifting and fidgeting while Alastor stared at the ceiling in boredom.

The little timer dinged, and Alastor slowly stood up.
"Soups done~♪!"

The two took their bowls to the large dining room table, staring at each other in silence again while they ate.

"Um...get a lot of visitors often?" Vox asked, blowing on his soup.
Alastor shook his head.
"Been a while..."

The two finished eating after a while, and decided to head to bed.
Alastor found Vox some old clothes that he could wear for now, and the two resided to their rooms for the night.

Vox tried to adjust, find a way to get himself to sleep. He was almost successful, feeling nice and drowsy and was about to doze off when he heard some crashing coming from down the hall.

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