-Anniversary; Can I ask you something?-

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Okay so I have been SO LAZY with the writing and it's a bit dull and generic I admit. And it seems that there's been a lot of fluff in the past few chapters, but be warned that the next chapter is probably going to be sad. I might change it in case I decide to extend something, but it will most likely be angst stuff.

(Also oh my goddess thank you guys for all the views and votes! Thank you all for your support, and I have more coming soon! But just so you know the story may or may not be wrapping up in the next couple chapters. But I don't have good time management or planning so hope you guys enjoy though!)

So, a very long time went by.
Alastor healed completely, Vox gained even more fame, Vox became a new overlord, and the two were known as an unstoppable duo. No one dared to fuck with one of them, because they knew they would have to deal with the other, too.

Ten years had gone by. It was the 60s. The two lived happily, occasionally covered in blood due to their murderous attents, but they were content.
They still had not told anyone that they had been dating for an entire decade at this point.

Vox had begun to gain lots of viewers on his show, and lots of souls to help make sure of his position as an overlord stayed.
And Alastor's radio show was still very famous throughout Hell, broadcasting to all of Pentagram City weither the fuckers liked it or not.

Today was the day of Vox and Alastor's tenth anniversary, and Alastor had planned something special.

He planned to pick Vox out of work early, and bring him to the park that they both loved and spent lots of time in back in the early days. It was a very sentimental place to the two of them.

Alastor had also bought a boat, something the two of them and always wanted to own together.
He planned to bring Vox out onto the water at night, so they could look at the stars and just chat.
Also, Alastor had something he needed to tell Vox badly.
But mostly he wanted today to be amazing.

Neither of the two needed fancy things or lavish adventures, they were happy just being in each others' presence.

Alastor drove down the road in his old-fashioned car, gripping the steering wheel tightly, nervous, excited, and anxious.
He turned on the radio he kept in the seat next to him, to help calm him a bit.

His grip on the steering wheel loosened a bit as he listened to the soft jazz playing from the antique radio.

Alastor arrived outside Vox's TV studio, and stopped the car.
He got out, brushed his suit off, and opened the front doors, stepping inside.

The lobby was brightly lit, with a few sofas and a large, tall, rectangular table off to the side.

Alastor walked over to the elevator, stepping inside as the doors opened. He pressed the button for floor number four, and flinched slightly as the elevator began to move upwards.

He made it to the fourth floor, and walked to the room that had 'live casting' hanging over the door on a blinking bright sign.

Alastor peeked through the crack in the door, smiling as he watched Vox finishing up his broadcast.

Vox saw him and laughed silently.

"...and that's all for tonight, folks..." Vox said, and the cameras paused.

One of Vox's employees stood up, and walked over to the door. He opened it, and was almost trampled over as Alastor ran through the door to greet Vox.

"Ah, Vox! I have great things planned for today! How are you~?"
Alastor said, throwing his arms up in the air and speed walking towards Vox and trying not to laugh.

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