The deers departure

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Lucifer was asleep for about 13 hours before waking up in his empty room, seeing alastors shadow on the floor with a very distraught face, as usual. Lucifer became very accustomed to seeing alastors shadow around him. Lucifer gave the shadow a gentle smile. But then he remembered what happened the night before and a feeling of nausea came over him.

Alastor then appeared out of the shadows, "Lucifer, I've brought you some water you seem very..." Lucifer just took the water and drank it. He rubbed his forehead "Alastor would you get me something to eat?" Alastor nodded and disappeared within the shadows. Lucifer had been so upset the night before, the house was so empty a gust of wind could've blown it away.

A few minutes later the deer had appeared with some cut up fruit in a platter, with a bit of anti depressants and water. Alastor had heard part of the commotion the night before, Lilith took little charlie morningstar, leaving Lucifer to weep alone in his bedroom. Alastor would've went in but, well he couldn't care much, Lilith was always a prick and Alastor was glad she was gone. Although he wasn't thrilled with taking care of his now, very depressed, master.

"Lucifer, are you alright?" Alastor said in his radio voice. Lucifer didn't respond so Alastor just left him to eat. Alastor was going to get him a piece of deer meat they stored in the fridge. The deer demon was doing good in status he was feared as Lucifer's guard dog (black butler reference?) and anyone who didn't know the deer definitely would soon.

Alastor had quickly adapted to the routine Lucifer set, filling in time holes. He wouldn't really sleep as he didn't need it, but still slept to pass the time. He usually got up at 6am, went to eat some type of meat, usually deers meat, for breakfast. Then after he ate he'd get his majesty his breakfast. Then he's complete certain tasks Lucifer would give him. He'd have about 2 hours of free time which he usually spent making deals. Then he'd get Lucifer dinner and do abit more work before roaming the castle for fun, (trying to dig up info on Lucifer) , and finally he'd fall asleep.

He was on break right now, he was trying to figure out why in hell would Lilith leave her role with the princess. Then he thought about what Lucifer would do now that he's lost his queen.

Lucifer's world would come crashing down, and Alastor would be there to watch, Lucifer was aware of Alastor's sadistic personality and he knew his wretched display would entertain the demon. Lucifer didn't mind that Lilith left, it was Charlie, his own daughter vanished before him, but custody didn't really exist in hell. Lucifer knew that the queen would fill Charlie's head with lies.

Alastor looked at his watch and decided it was time for him to be on his way to the palace as his break would soon be over. He dissipated into his shadow and appeared outside the house. Before he even opened the door he heard a glass shatter and Lucifer's voice, he was yelling. Alastor used his shadow and appeared right outside Lucifer's shut, and locked door. "Are you FUCKING kidding me Lilith, YOU FUCKING BITCH that is MY daughter you're keeping from me"Alastor had never heard of Lucifer talk to Lilith like this, he was very interested with this conversation. He was distracted so he didn't notice his chain had appeared and the door had opened with the short king standing in the doorway.

'Ah shit' he thought before Lucifer pulled on his chain as Alastor was now kneeling. "Didn't I teach you not to eavesdrop Alastor?" The king said with a smile. Alastors smile faltered "my apologies your majesty.." the chain lifted his head as Lucifer's eyes told him to go into his room, so he did. Lucifer locked the door and put a seal on it so nobody could enter or easedrop.

"Listen. Alastor. You are going to go missing and appear in 7 YEARS. Destroy anyone that gets in your way, then in seven years you will find my daughter, and stay with her" you could practically see alastors discomfort with how he was being spoken to. "Then, I will find you." Lucifer smiled grimly "UNDERSTAND, Dear?" Alastor nodded "yes your majesty I'll do my best to please you".

Lucifer patted alastors ears "good, I'm glad I made you my pet.. I expect you gone by tonight" Alastor nodded once again "I'll see you in 7 years then my lord?" Lucifer laughed a little, and let go of alastors chain. With this Alastor took his leave never to appear infront of people and they live to tell the tale, he would take his leave for seven years.


Sorry it's late today I have an idea for the next chapter so I'll get that finished by Wednesday, thanks for reading ❤️❤️ ALSO THIS IS THE LONGES CHAPTER SO FAR SO IM VERY HAPPY! :3

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