Bro In Arms

23 1 0

Bellwood was in total chaos, thanks to Darkbane throwing a tantrum. Ben 23 and Bad Ben, the dynamic duo of reluctant teamwork, found themselves smack in the middle of the action.

Now picture this: Ben 23, all hyped up with his Omnitrix lighting up like a Vegas billboard, and Bad Ben sulking in the shadows, looking like he'd rather be anywhere else. But when the going gets tough, even the brooding ones gotta team up.

They're in the heat of the battle, Ben 23 bouncing around like a caffeine-fueled jackrabbit, while Bad Ben's throwing punches with all the enthusiasm of a kid forced to eat his veggies.

Then, bam! Darkbane grabs Ben 23, and suddenly it's like the world's on mute. Ben's screaming for help, looking like a lost puppy in a thunderstorm. And Bad Ben? Well, he's doing his best impression of a statue, staring into the abyss like it owes him money.

Just when you think it's game over, Bad Ben's eyes flicker with something that looks suspiciously like guilt. Next thing you know, he's charging in like he's got a vendetta against Darkbane. Fists flying, no holding back.

Cut to the aftermath. Ben 23's sitting there, looking like he went ten rounds with a tornado, tears streaming down his face like it's a waterfall. And Bad Ben? He's standing there, looking like he's about to give a TED Talk on the meaning of life.

Then, out of the blue, Bad Ben drops down beside Ben 23. He reaches out, gathers the kid into his arms like he's cradling a delicate flower, and suddenly it's all warm and fuzzy like a cozy blanket.

"Easy there, kid," Bad Ben mumbles, his voice softer than a lullaby. "You're gonna be alright. I got you."

And Ben 23, bless his heart, just sinks into Bad Ben's embrace like it's a warm bubble bath after a long day. Bad Ben starts spouting reassurances like a fortune cookie, all while keeping up his tough guy act. "You're safe now. Ain't nobody gonna hurt you. Not on my watch," Bad Ben whispers, his tough exterior peeling away to reveal a softer side.

And for that moment, in the middle of the madness, it's like time stands still. They're not the perfect hero duo, but in that embrace, they find a connection that goes beyond the battle scars. Maybe, just maybe, it's the beginning of a beautiful bromance.

Ben 23, his shoulders shaking with suppressed sobs, clings to Bad Ben like a shipwreck survivor holding onto a life raft. Bad Ben, for all his tough exterior, feels something stirring inside him, like he just stumbled upon an unexpected treasure in the rubble.

"Thanks, man," Ben 23 says, his voice choked with emotion.

Bad Ben gives him a half-hearted pat on the back, trying to play it cool like he's not about to go soft on the kid. "Yeah, yeah, don't mention it," he mumbles, his words gruffer than sandpaper.

But deep down, he knows he'd do it again in a heartbeat. Because beneath all the bravado and bad attitude, there's a glimmer of humanity in him, a flicker of something that feels a lot like... friendship.

As the dust settles from the brawl, Bad Ben notices Ben 23 isn't exactly in top shape. Beneath all the heroics, Ben 23's looking like he's been through a meat grinder.

"Hey, kid, you're looking pretty beat up," Bad Ben observes, his tone surprisingly gentle.

Ben 23 manages a tired grin, but his eyes give away the pain he's trying to shrug off. "You should see the other guy," he jokes, but it's clear he's hurting.

Without much fuss, Bad Ben scoops Ben 23 up like he's made of glass, carrying him to his dingy hideout. It's not much, but it's home for him.

Once they're there, Bad Ben gets to work patching Ben 23 up. And let me tell you, Ben 23's whimpering and whining like a wounded puppy the whole time, tugging at Bad Ben's heartstrings.

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