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Jungkook was laughing so hard on his couch
He didn't go to school and wanted to be naughty 👿

He sent his dick to mr min
This time purposely to tease him
He really wanted to fuck his teacher
But he doesn't know how

Yoongi,s pov
I was teaching everything was going great and I was wondering why Jungkook didn't even bother coming to school until my phone vibrated
I took it out and view I nearly dropped my phone
Omg how can he send me his dick 
He didn't come to school and have time to mess around
He is missing with the wrong person

Yeah I will he has a very good dick it huge tho
But I won't let him know that
I couldn't concentrate anymore so I gave the class free time to do their own reading

So I texted him

Yoonie ♥️♥️💥
So you have time being shameless

Well I wanted you to know you are missing a whole package 😊mr min

Yoonie ♥️♥️💥
Hey am your teacher not your boyfriend

We can change that Mr min
I will give it to you good
You gonna get wet so soon baby

Yoonie ♥️♥️💥
What the fuck
Did you seriously say that to me
👿 detention for three weeks
It start tomorrow after school

What no no my mum will swallow me
Please am sorry I changed my mind
Mr min
Mr min are you there

Seen read at 2:30 🕝


Omg omg what should I do
Mum was lol be mad at me
I have to do something
I look for his house and go apologize
With that he got dressed going to wait around till school is over

Am bored with this story
I will continue when I finish my soulmate

Bye ✌️

My horny ass (falling for mr min )🥰🥰🥰🛑❤️♥️Where stories live. Discover now