BEACH pt 2

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it doesn't skip anything important in the story it just skips like you, and Lily getting ready for bed

Which I don't think is that important, but that's all it skips



A/N: Half credit goes to Angela_Depp


Lily basically slept like a baby that night, I on the other hand could only sleep for what felt like 2 hours

That being said since I couldn't sleep i went to the kitchen to grab a snack or a drink, just something to help me go back to sleep

As I grabbed the water from the fridge, the lights to the kitchen turned on, slightly scaring me since I didn't think anyone else was up at this hour

" Hello," Johnny said, walking into the kitchen to grab himself a snack or a drink

" Oh... hello, Mr. depp, I didn't know you were up?" I said, sipping on my water

" Yeah, I couldn't sleep... y/n I've told you before that you can call me Johnny, " he said quietly, chuckling to himself as he sipped his beer he had gotten out of the fridge

" Right... sorry... I don't mean to be noisy or anything like that, johnny, but are you alright after that argument? " I said with a worry expiration on my face, genuinely concerned about him and his well-being

" Yeah.. yeah, I'm fine y/n don't worry about it... it was just a small argument.. truly nothing to worry about love, " he said more so to himself as if he was trying to assure himself more than you

But aside from that, he called you love, now he's called you pet names like that before, but the tone he said it And they way he had said it just seemed different tonight

I walked over to him, wrapping my arms around him to comfort him and me as I didn't want him to be upset, and I didn't like to see people upset

He wraps his arms back around me, placing his bigger arms upon my wasit and mine around more of his neck area

As we pull away from our hug, that lasted longer than it needed to, we lock eyes with each other

Slowly he moves closer down towards my lips and slowly I move Farther up to reach his

As we continue to kiss more and more he tugged on my shirt asking for permission which I granted to him

I tugged back on his shirt as well but as he was about to grant me permission to take his off, we heard a gasp at the kitchen entry way

" OMG johnnnnnyyy" and as soon as we heard who's gasp it blonged to we pulled apart, but hearing her actually talk just started to make me upset

'Can this bitch stfu', I thought to myself, I only got pulled out of my thoughts when I heard her start to hit his chest

"Amber... stop it" Johnny struggled to get his words out as Amber took his bear bottle and hit upside the head with it while hitting his chest at the same time

"You fucking old pice of shit, why do you cheat on me you old pice of shit"

As she continued to hit him with her fist and the beer bottle, the glass breaking and the remains of the drink going everywhere

Lily and Jack came into the room wondering what the Noise was, as they both had waken up to the screaming and the sound of the bottle breaking

"STOP IT" Jack had said as Lily left the room to go and get some one to help

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