Part 11

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From here on, everything is fictional!!

I walk towards the French classroom, 56. My friends are already seated, and no one is sitting according to the seating plan. So, I sit somewhere, in front of the teacher's desk. When I get out my books, I realise someone is sitting beside me. I look up and see Finn, "Hey, is this seat taken?". "No, it isn't!", I smile. "You guys would make a great couple!", the French teacher says, smirking. "Excusez-moi? Tu es horrible!", I answer, the teacher laughs. "Un petit coup de cœur?", the French teacher says, which means a little crush? I blush and the French teacher laughs. "What are you talking about...?", You are so confused, I started to laugh. And then, I look you straight into your eyes and I just tell you, "Finn, je suis amoureux de toi, dans mon cœur il y a une place spéciale pour toi. Je t'aime tellement, je ne peux pas arrêter de penser à toi...", the French teacher is shocked that I told you. "What? Can you translate?", You ask. "Look it up, or anything", I turned away, I should not have said that. I just said to you: Finn, I am in love with you, in my heart is a special place for you. I love you so much, I can't stop thinking about you... "How do you even spell all that...?", You ask, so confused. "I will write it-", our French teacher says, but I stop him. "Don't!", I say, and he laughs. "I will just start the lesson then...", the lesson starts, which is just very boring. "Eliza? Do want to be my girlfriend?", You say, wait... what? "Eliza? Do you know question 16b?", You ask, I just zoned out. "Uh, yeah. I got B...", I reply, and I turn around. "Hey! How are you?", Ivy asks, who is sitting behind me. "Fine, I guess", I answer her. "What do we have next hour?", she asks, and I try to answer, but you are first, "P.E.". I look towards you, and I nod.

After the French lesson, we have P.E. I get dressed, and my friends and I walk out of the changing room. We have volleyball, which is pretty fine. It's better than rings, so I am happy. We need to learn the tap-catch-over method. I am with some other girls, and my last crush, Otto, in one team. We do pretty bad because those girls don't do much. They talk to each other and run away from the ball every time. When P.E. is finished, I walk to the changing room. I talk with some of my friends. "I still have to give the class candy...", Sylvie suddenly says. "I forgot my clothes for 3 lessons", she explains. "I will go with you to the boys' changing room", I say, and she nods. We walk out of the room, and Sylvie knocks on the boys' changing room. I see that Finn and Hugo are already walking towards their lockers. "Finn, we got candy!", I shout, and I get your attention. "Throw me one, I will catch", You answer, and I agree. "How are you going to catch?", I laugh, and you point to your mouth. I throw to you with a bow, and you actually catch it with your mouth. You walk towards me, and you give me a high five. You hold my hand, and I hold yours. Then I let go, and you thank me. "Did you just hold his hand?!", Ivy says, while she walks towards me. "I don't know, did I?", I say, but I know we kind of did. Thank you, Finn...

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