Chapter 10

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The creature coming out of Alex's mouth is starting to look like a big, disgusting creepy looking spider.I scream in horror as it slowly gets closer to me.I have a terrible fear of spiders.YOU CAN'T RUN!!! I fall on my knees screaming and crying, trying to get out of the shower but I am trapped!!Alex and the spider are right in front of me, cornering me.

                          Andrew's POV

I grab all the food for Rain and make my way up to the door.I come inside and hear screaming coming out of the bathroom.
I drop all the food on the table and run to the bathroom.I open the door and see Rain in the shower screaming and crying and kicking but there's nothing there.I go over to her and pull her into my arms holding her tight, trying to calm her down.
"There there you are okay babe, it's nothing there,you are safe my love."I say, gently patting her head.
She stopped kicking but is still crying and shaking.I pick her up into my arms and take her to bed.I lay her down and put blankets over her.I lay down next to her and hold her tightly to my chest.Shhhhh,don't be crying my little angel.I'm right here with you.I kiss her on her forehead and gently run my fingers through her beautiful hair.

                       Alex's POV
I don't even know how long it's been now since I've been looking for Rain.It's like she disappeared from the surface of the fucking Earth!!! I am glad that at least I can take care of her dog Twinkie for her but I am getting more worried everyday.Will I find her?How is she doing?Is she okay?Is she even alive at this point!?!? I pray to God that she is alive.I am not going to give up though.I'll keep on looking.

                         Rain's POV
I slowly start getting back to reality.I feel a hand patting my head and I smile.It feels nice.I look up and see Andrew.He looks at me with a gentle smile.
"Are you okay sweetie?"
I nod."What happened?"
"I don't know,I came home and heard screaming in the bathroom.You were in the shower fighting something but there was nothing there.I think it was your schizophrenia acting up."
I sigh.He is right.It wasn't real.It was all in my head.I fucking hate it.
"What did you see?"
"It,it was a big spider coming at me, trying to eat me....."
"Oh no no no,I know how much you hate those things.My poor baby.....come here."
He pulls me to him.
"It's okay though,it was all fake,you're here with me,you are safe.We have to do something about it so it won't hurt the baby.Stress can really hurt the baby.We should get you back on meds."
"No,you know how meds make me feel.They give me side effects and make me worse."
"Then what can we do to help with your hallucinations?I want you to be healthy and give birth to a healthy baby."
"I don't know to be honest......"
"We will figure something out but for now,you need food.I bought you everything you told me to.You have to eat!"
I hear my stomach growling.I really am starving.
"You want to go out there in the kitchen or you want me to bring you food here?You can eat and we can watch a movie together.How does that sound?"
"Yeah it actually sounds good,I don't want to get out of blankets."
Andrew smiles at me and leaves the room.I don't remember the last time I seen him this nice.....I actually really enjoy it.....

*eight and a half months passed by*

I am feeling better.I actually really am.The pregnancy is easy on me.I really like this baby bump,looks really cute on me.Andrew has been extremely nice the whole time,I am surprised.He didn't lay a finger on me and would actually care for me and help me.He would get me anything I want and need.He is very sweet.He must REALLY want this baby.I am due very soon and I am really excited.I still can't believe there is a human growing inside of me.I was always scared to get pregnant but it's actually not bad at all.I often talk to the baby and it makes me happy.Maybe life is actually getting better for me finally.There is a doctor that comes here and checks on me every week and of course Andrew is always there.I don't know if I fully forgive him for what he has done to me but he did apologize.He promised that things will get better for us and we will be happy.I really hope so.I don't know what kind of job Andrew has but he can afford a lot of things.I never bothered to ask because I don't want to make him mad or anything.
"How are my precious angels doing today?"he enters the room with a bouquet of red roses in his hand and gives me a kiss.
I smile and take the roses, smelling them.
"They smell so nice,thank you! I am good and the baby is good too.He has been kicking a lot today!"
"Awww, someone really wants out doesn't he?"he places his hands on my stomach and kisses it."You are almost there buddy.We are going to welcome you in this world very very soon."
He looks at his watch."Shoot,I have to get back to work babe but I will be back home in a few hours.Do you want me to bring you anything?"
"Yes,I have been really craving  chocolate cake and pickles today."
"Haha,that is a really weird combination but of course I will get you that my love!"he kisses me "I love you my angels,be back soon!"he smiles and leaves out the door.
I smile and turn on the TV looking for a movie to watch.

                           Alex's POV
You little shit,you didn't think I would find out where you live?I finally found Andrew's secret house.Took me forever to because fucker knows how to fucking hide but I finally fucking found it!!!!Hang in there Rain,I am coming for you.

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