Chapter 13

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                         Rain's POV

I slowly open my eyes and blink a few times.Where am I? I try to move my hands but they are tightly tied with metal chains behind the chair I'm sitting in.I start to panic.What happened?! I look to my left and see Andrew tied up as well.
"Andrew!?Andrew wake up!!"he groans and quickly looks at me.
"Rain!?Are you okay?What happened?Where are we?!"
"I don't know!Maybe you do?!"
"Well,well,well,the lovebirds are finally awake."
I look at the man walking towards us.It's HIM again.
"Michael?!What the hell man?What the fuck are you doing?!"
"What Andrew?I am just trying to have a nice conversation here."
I turn my head to Andrew.
"You know him?!"
"Yes...he-well he used to be my partner in my business."
"I bet Rain doesn't know what you do for a living and why you got her pregnant Andrew.Why not tell her everything huh?"he crosses his arms and smirks.
"Fuck you!"yells Andrew.
"No!What is he talking about?I want answers right now!"I look at him angrily."I deserve to fucking know after everything I've been through!Also,where's Anthony?!"
"Don't worry,he's fine,he's sleeping,Alex is taking care of him."said Michael.
Alex?!Of course he is a part of this shit show.
"I want to see Anthony right now!!"I yell.
"He is FINE Rain,I wouldn't hurt him,don't worry,well,I wouldn't hurt him if you listen to me sweetheart."he slowly walks closer to me and grabs my chin,gently lifting it up.
"God,you are beautiful.I missed you so much."
"Don't fucking touch her you sick fuck!!"shouts Andrew.
I turn my head away.I hate his touch.
"Why wouldn't I?She is a sexy, beautiful, strong woman and I want her."
"You will fucking regret it you dirty scum!!!"
"Andrew!Tell me everything right this fucking second.I'm fucking tired of lies and bullshit!!"I yell at him,having no patience anymore.
"I-I have my own gang.I sell drugs.Me and Michael had our own gang before but I decided that I wanted to work alone so we parted ways.... People that shot at you when you were with Alex....they were my people.I wanted to get you back and kill Alex...."
I am shocked.This is insane.
"Then why the fuck were you a fucking math teacher at my school Michael?!"
"Oh,it was just to get you to be mine Rain.....and I succeeded.You see,from the moment I first saw you walking in that park,I knew you were the one for me.I am just so mad that you decided to fucking leave me."
"I was a minor!!!You got me by playing your little stupid games because you knew I was young and dumb!"
"You weren't stupid,you fell in love with me and my touch.I was your first everything.I know how much you enjoyed it Rain.If only your fucking aunt didn't forcefully take you away from me!!!But hey,I found you shortly after what you moved away and have been stalking you ever since."
"You were fucking a minor?!You really are fucking sick!!"screams Andrew in rage.
"Only Rain.I knew she was the one.My princess."
"Is that who you wanted me to kill?Andrew?"I ask angrily.
"Oh yes,after all the abuse he has put you through,I was sure that you would have no problem with that my love."he gently grabs my hair and plays with it,grinning at me.I spit in his face and give him a death glare.
"I know my aunt's death was no fucking car accident.You fucking killed her!!!"
He slaps me across my face and roughly grabs me by my hair again.
"Yes I fucking did! Nobody stands in my fucking way!!"
I hear Andrew shouting in rage, trying to get free.
"You know why that fucker got you pregnant?!he points at Andrew."He just wants someone to take over his fucking drug business.He is just fucking using you Rain."
"No!!Don't listen to him Rain!He doesn't know shit!I fucking love you!!I am really really sorry for everything I did to you!!!You know that!I always wanted a family with you!!"
I sigh.I do believe Andrew over this fucker.I know Michael is all about lies.
"What's going on here?"
I hear a familiar voice and see Alex walking while holding Anthony into his arms.
"Anthony!!!Oh my God,you are okay!!"
"Of course,I wouldn't let anything happen to him."said Alex in a soft voice.
"How nice of you to join us Alex.Andrew was just telling Rain about what horrible of a person he is."
"That sounds like fun."Alex laughs, looking at Andrew.
Andrew is breathing heavily trying to get free cursing at them in rage.
"Quit it Andrew with your fucking tantrum!!Anyways,what happens now boss?"asks Alex,still holding Anthony.
"Well,now.....I am going to let Andrew say his last words before I bash his brains in with this beautiful barbed wire wrapped baseball bat.Then I take Rain all to myself whether she likes it or not.Then I'll kill that little shit of theirs too.Don't want to fucking see that thing any longer.I just need Rain to watch me kill it,that's it.NOW,what are your last words Andrew?I am being very nice here."
"Go to fucking hell!!!"
Michael picks up the bat and walks closer to Andrew.
"What?Say that again,I didn't hear you."
"No!Please, don't kill him!! I yell.
"Why not?!"
"Because.... because I love him!!"
"You?Love this thing?"laughs Michael."He is a sad excuse of a man"he punches Andrew in the face multiple times,making his face full of blood.
"No!No!Please!!!"I scream,crying as I watch Andrew get beaten up,not being able to do anything about it.
Andrew looks at me with tears into his eyes."I love you Rain,with all my heart.Take care of Anthony.I will always be with you."
With that said,Michael takes the bat in his hands and hits Andrew in his head multiple times, bashing his brains in.
"You fucking MONSTER!!!You heartless fucking MONSTER!!!"I scream,wanting to tear Michael apart limb from limb.I never felt this much rage before.I violently start to pull at the chains to break free.
"Rain,you will break your hands!"shouts Alex.
"I don't give a fuck!!!I am going to fucking kill that son of a bitch!!!!"
                           Alex's POV

While Michael is letting his rage out on the dead Andrew,I place Anthony in a chair and run over to Rain.I quickly whisper in her ear:I am going to end this right fucking now.
I pull out a gun and aim it towards Michael.
"Whoa Alex,what do you think you're doing?!"
"A bastard like you doesn't deserve to fucking live!!"
"Did you forget that I got snipers aiming at your mother right now?One simple command from me and she is fucking dead!!"
"I killed them.They are gone and my Mom is safe.You can't order me around anymore like I am your fucking dog!"
"How fucking dare you?!"
Michael pulls out a gun out of his pocket but I shoot him in a heartbeat.Michael falls onto the ground with a hole in his head, bleeding out.I let out a sigh of relief.It's over,it's finally fucking over!!! I quickly cut Rain's chains and she runs to Andrew.She cries loudly hugging his dead,bloody body.His brains are literally leaking out,he barely has a head.Rain is really hurting.I didn't know she really loved him.Makes me feel like shit to be honest because I thought Andrew couldn't change but he changed....for her.I slowly walk up to her and place a hand on her shoulder.
"I am so sorry Rain,I truly am."
She doesn't react to me or anything.Anthony starts crying and I go over to him and pick him up into my arms.Shhhhhh,it's okay little guy,it's over now.Rain walks up to me and gently takes Anthony out of my arms.
"I n-need to take a shower and change out of these bloody fucking clothes and feed him."she says in a shaky yet cold voice.
I want to hug her so bad but I am pretty sure that she will reject me and get mad at me.
"Let me take you to the house."
I lead her outside and open the car door for her.She gets in and I start driving.Rain takes off her shirt, revealing a bra.I feel my cheeks turn red but I try to focus on the road.She starts feeding the baby with her left breast,making me blush.Gosh Alex,pull yourself together.Now it's not the fucking time.I do my best to control myself until we get to the house.Once we get there,she quickly gets out of the car.I follow her behind to show her where the bathroom is.
"Take care of Anthony while I shower."
"Yes of course.Ummm,I don't have any women's clothes but I can get you one of my shirts and sweatpants for now.
"Yeah,that works,thanks."
I nod and head over to my closet and grab a clean shirt and sweatpants for Rain.I go ahead and knock at the bathroom door.
"Just come in and leave the clothes here."
I slowly open the door and enter.I can clearly see Rain's silhouette through the shower doors.I blush and instantly get turned on.Oh my gosh,get a fucking hold of yourself Alex!!What the fuck?!
I leave the clothes on the counter and just stand there watching her shower. I can't help it.She is so sexy.
"What are you doing?"
"Argh!!!Ummm,nothing!!!I j-just brought you the clothes and and I am leaving!!!"
I quickly get out of there feeling very embarrassed.I am such an idiot.
Shortly after,I see Rain entering my room with just a towel wrapped around her.I gulp and look away,trying not to show her that I am blushing.She approaches me and unexpectedly grabs my hands and pins me down onto the bed.
"I want you right now Alex!"


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