Prophecies be Told

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"Rosier!" Remus shouts halfway across the courtyard shoving the blank paper into his bag fully out of breath in order to catch up with the Rosier girl who was lucky enough to be alone for the time being. "Stop! Rosier!"

Pandora continued to move until she was on the snowy grass without looking back, setting a warming charm on her body before taking a seat in the thin layer of snow. The snow melted upon contact with her body, and she didn't seem to mind the slightest. "Hello, Remus. Thought you were supposed to be in a tutor session with Elara."

"Yes- give me a minute." He pants, resting his hands on his knees as he tries to catch his breath. If only it was the day before the moon, then he'd have no problem with the energy he desperately needed as of now. "I need to ask you something. About Elara."

"And that'd be?"

"I know, about her. The... things she sees. She told me awhile back, or well... I figured it out then she told me."

Pandora eyes him carefully before patting a spot next to her on the now-wet grass. "Take a seat."

Remus does as told, freezing as he does but this is more important. "What happened?" Panraoa asks softly but worried and concerned.

"It's more of..." He waves his hands around in the air in the hope the words will come to him easily, which it doesn't. "Hard to put it in words really. But you're the only one I can think of to go to about this."

"Has she told you something that may happen and did?" She tests.

"No," He shakes his head. "It's more of... the first day we met up. Weeks ago, I will add. She um... went into a trance of some sort."

"Like her face shows crossed emotions, sometimes quietly crying or just going cold?"

"That did happen, but she explained that but no. It was different. But I think it's related to the topic of that."

"Hmm," Pandora hums trying to understand but she wasn't getting much details of the source of the problem. "I need more information."

"Okay... uh, she was speaking."


"It didn't really sound like her. Her voice was deep-like. She was saying things like... a recitement."

Pandora looked at lost for a minute, racking her mind as Remus watched her in the hope she'd understand somehow. "And during? The after?"

"I don't remember much of what she said, I didn't think it was important really. And after it was as if she snapped out of the daze and went on as if she didn't have it or was... aware of it. She was also a bit tired too, if that helps."

That's when it made clear sense to Pandora what happened. Pandora's mouth slightly drops open, she stills and her eyes dart around but her body not moving as she checks for any bystanders listening in on them.

"What do you remember of it?"

"Not much, but-"

"Was it... light or dark in tone?"

"Bit dark, to be honest. What happened? You know, don't you?"

"She made a prophecy, Remus." Her voice was low and quiet, nearly unhearable if Remus wasn't sitting next to her. "We can't discuss this here, follow me."

She quickly gets up in a fluid movement, Remus stumbling behind her and if it wasn't for his tall legs he surely would not be able to keep up. She manages to lead them into the kitchens, a small request for tea for both of them and they settle at a small table made for elves sitting on the floor rather than the chairs.

Always the Boys, Never the Girl *Remus Lupin*Where stories live. Discover now