Chapter I

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The sun and the moon are forever apart, as are fire and water, since if they could be one they'd be invincible. Something my father used to tell me.

That was his excuse as to why our feud with the Fire Kingdom had been dragged out for so long; that it was because we were so different, so prone to discord, that if only we could get along we'd be above every other kingdom, as our power and strength combined would be unstoppable.

My mind as a kid, pure and innocent, could never as much as entertain the idea of two kingdoms with such intertwined history loathing one another so much. Neither had been at war or committed regicide in decades. Our distant ancestors, whom I doubted even watched over us anymore, had made mistakes in their own time; why did we have to pay for it all?

Recently, though, I'd been trying to pry my thoughts away from the topic, and rather focus on how I could protect myself and my people if a war ever did start again. The chances were slim with the current economy and lack of soldiers within the Fire Kingdom, but there was still a possibility that was best not to be ignored.

As the princess of the Water Kingdom, I had always been and remained the priority. I was the next in line for the throne- as my brother was younger and in our kingdom the first born child became the ruler no matter their gender- which led me to be raised surrounded by tons of guards and soldiers, treated as if I were made of glass and could break and shatter into pieces at any moment. It was either because I was a girl, which wouldn't be surprising, or because I was the next queen and they desperately didn't want my brother to be the king. I had to admit, I doubted he could rule a kingdom without messing up one of his every three lines, so it was probably for the best.

But I'd tried for years to prove that I wasn't so easily brought down, my waterbending skills a proof that I was more than capable of fending for myself. But no matter how much I pleaded to walk about outside of the palace walls alone, mother and father never allowed such a thing.

That was the topic of the dinner table this evening, as expected.

"No," my father said stiffly, reaching out to his goblet of wine.

"But father, I'm sixteen now. Old enough to marry. Why is it so impossible for you to allow me to go out on my own?"

"We've talked about this before, Katara," his mouth turned downward with a displeased frown. "Don't push your luck."

I opened my mouth to complain once more, but stopped upon feeling my mother's hand on mine, gently caressing her fingers until I turned to look at her. Her gaze was gentle, as always, and there was a small yet visible smile that showed empathy and understanding. The short dents beside the corners of her mouth deepened when her smile grew, her expression now telling me that she's on my side on this, but that I should listen to my father nonetheless, at least for now. That this is not the best time for this conversation, as he is already troubled with King Ozai, the ruler of the Fire Kingdom.

Their rivalry started from birth when neither of them even knew what they hated the other for. My grandfather seemed to push the idea that the Fire Kingdom only caused pain and trouble, and my father, being nothing more than a toddler at the time, believed him.

I was never informed as to what Ozai said or did this time, even though I always was, but I didn't think anything of it. After all, it couldn't have been worse than him saying a few nasty things to get all up in father's head. Nothing he hasn't already done before.

For the remainder of supper, father was quieter, more rigid than usual. Normally me and mother would at least talk about our days or plans for tomorrow, lightening up the dull silence. Sokka would crack a few jokes even father smiled at, no matter how awful they were. But now, his tension felt so suffocating and dark that I doubted the entire kingdom being lit to flames could light up the atmosphere.

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