5: Gathering Evidence Against Bandit

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Bret found all the evidence Chilli had left for him the night he found her unconscious on the floor. Bret needed to collect a letter, Bluey's medical examination documents, photos from the outdoor camera, and a tape of Bandit's unforgivable act.

Bret opened the letter and found a key, "Emergency front door key. I trust you with all my heart, Chilli."

Red peeked over and saw the key, "What's the key for?"

"The house. She gave me the house key for a reason. What time do we have to head over to the courthouse?" Bret showed Red the note, hand-written by Chilli.

"We should head over there around three o'clock. It's only nine." Red looked at the clock.

"I'm going to head over there and find the evidence Chilli might have left for us." Bret grabbed the key and started his walk over to the Heeler house.

Bret unlocked the door and entered the house without issue. The emptiness was painful to bear and caused Bret to cry. This led Bret to the kitchen, and he began searching the counters. His first piece of evidence he uncovered was Bluey's medical examination diagnosis. Doctors uncovered painful and unsettling injuries.

"Vaginal and anal tears, vaginal lesions, bruised nipples, nipple scarring, mild esophagus tears, trachea tears, irreversible larynx damage, and mild vocal chord tears." Bret read the list of Bluey's examinations. He couldn't believe Bandit had done so much damage that he even caused throat damage, but the photo sent to Bret would only prove the genitalia damage.

"Throat damage? That doesn't make sense." Bret double-checked the doctor's notes, "Exhibited fear with Doctor Cole Pointer. Doctor Lindsay Eskimo took over the exam and examined the genitalia as requested by the patient and her mother. The patient showed signs of fear around men she didn't know and only wanted women to check everything off. The patient was given a few shots to prevent any sexual disease from spreading. The mother denied any sexual diseases run in either side of the family."

Bret now had a folder in hand and collected anything of importance. He went upstairs and found a video camera with a gigabyte chip on the bed and a letter hand-written by Bandit. The room was messy, and Bret found everything from the video on the bed. Bret took photos and sent them to Red so he could print them in their office.

"What the hell?" Bret heard a police siren outside, "Oh, shit!"

A police cruiser had pulled in front of the house as Bret was still inside. Someone in the neighborhood had called the cops.

"I have to escape." Bret grabbed everything: the medical exam, the letter, and the chip.

Bret saw the police enter the house. His shot at the front door was blown. His next guess was to escape through the backyard. He snuck down the steps and crept toward the sliding glass door which led into the backyard. He opened the door, which alerted one police officer, and had him walk over to the door.

Bret slid the door fully and sprinted toward the fence, entering the backyard of their home. Bret huffed the entire sprint and struggled to jump the wooden fence again. 

"Come on!" Bret grunted as he pushed himself over the picket fence and ran into the house.

Bret entered the house and put everything on the counter, "I'll call Logan to come by and grab this for the case."

"You were quick." Red chuckled.

"Dude!" Bret jumped.

"Did I scare you?" Red smirked.

"The police showed up! I had to book it!" Bret panted.

"I thought you had the key?" Red was in disbelief.

"Someone didn't want us to find out what happened." Bret took a shot and guessed.

"Who?" Red shrugged.

"Someone close to Bandit." Bret looked out the window.


Judge Frise entered the courtroom and took a head count of everyone in the room, "Where's Mrs. Heeler?"

"Permission to speak, Your Honor?" Bret pleaded.

"Permission granted." Judge Frise nodded.

"Mrs. Heeler is not here due to an overdose of pills. She is currently in the hospital, and her status is unknown. We're heading to the hospital after today's court session.

"What did she overdose on?" Frise questioned.

"In all honesty, we have no idea what caused her overdose. I believe her motive was because of Bandit's issue and due to CPS taking Bluey away from her."

"And Bingo Heeler?" Judge Frise demanded an answer.

"She is currently placed with Bandit's youngest brother, Stripe Heeler. She is soon to live with me and Mr. Lachlan." Bret clarified.

"And when will that take place?" The judge questioned.

"A few days, give or take." Bret stuttered, "We hope tomorrow or the next day."

"Very well." Judge Frise proceeded with the court case and looked toward Bret, "What's in your hand?"

"I would like to present more evidence." Bret handed the evidence to the bailiff.

The bailiff walked the evidence to the judge as the judge opened the folder and was shocked by the medical report, "He did what?"

"The daughter's results are startling, to say the least." Bret stuttered. 

The judge looked at the people in the courtroom. Bluey's aunts, uncles, and cousins were in the courtroom. Bluey wasn't in the courtroom as she was visiting her mother. Bret stood tall as Bandit's expression was furious. Bret didn't want the list to be repeated to the crowd as the judge was about to speak.

"If you repeat the list. People might cry." Bret objected.

"Why don't you want the list to be read?" Judge Frise grew suspicious.

"Your Honor," Logan stated, "The medical list explains the minor's visit to the hospital and what the doctors found after Bandit had raped his daughter a few days ago. This scares me as a parent myself. I would never rape my children. Bandit only raped his children not only for sexual pleasure or gratification but to 'punish' his children in the most illegal way possible."

Bret looked at the judge, "What he just said sums up what I would've said. I'm sorry I didn't speak up. I don't see Mr. Heeler as a father. I see him as an abuser, a rapist, and a child predator. No one will be sorry if you die in prison. I'm telling everyone the truth."

The courtroom muttered to one another as Bandit realized what he did was completely wrong. He lost custody of his children over what he thought was a punishment of his own. He instead damaged many lives and ruined many relations and his reputation. 

Bandit cried intensely and looked at Bret, "I'm sorry to everyone. I'm sorry for all the damage and therapy I have to put my kids through. I'm sorry, Bret. I'm sorry I dragged you out for knowing what was right and wrong to do to my children. I wish I didn't hurt them."

"You took their innocence!" Bret cried out, "You're a monster!"

Bandit gasped and tried to charge Bret but was held back by court officers in the room. He was dragged out, and Bret watched it happen. 

Bret curled into a ball and cried, "Lord, let this case end. He is a moral sinner who acted on lust over patience."

Behind Closed Doors: The "Secret" PainWhere stories live. Discover now