7: Waiting For a Verdict

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Bret woke up to a migraine and began rubbing his temples aggressively, "Fuck."

Red knocked on Bret's door and walked in, "You ready for court today?"

"Dude, it's been ten days since this case started. Why won't it end?" Bret groaned as the pain worsened.

"Are you fine?" Red asked.

"I can't take this case anymore!" Bret cried as he growled.

Red sat on the edge and sighed, "We're going to end this today. I know it."

Bret pouted, "You're only saying that to make me feel better..."

"Who's one person that should've testified on the third or fourth day?" Red smirked.

Bret's mind went blank, "Who?"

"Bluey. She's the victim of her father. Why hasn't she testified?" Red stated.

"Because she hasn't been involved with the case." Bret realized.

"We're going to Stripe and Trixie!" Bret jolted out of bed and grabbed clothes.

"We continue at 3:30." Red sighed.

Bret was already out of the room by then. Red sighed as he saw Bret's car gone. Bret drove a 2016 gray with crimson red tones Honda Civic Type R. Red drove a 2018 blue Audi A3 with a few mods. Bret drove like he was some racing talent when he was in a hitting slump. He would drive go-karts and use hand-eye coordination when he raced. He was known as the speed-power threat. He wasn't hitting for contact but trusted those contact abilities in slumps. He was an all-star in every way, but the courtroom was a different story.

Bret sped up as he drifted the car, "GO! HIT THE GAS, I WON'T LET GO!"

The car had durable tires after Bret's last incident when he blew a tire in front of the Heeler's house. Red bought Bret a new set of tires and lectured Bret not to ruin the tires. 


Bret arrived in front of the house. He went to the trunk and used the small mirror to give himself a hygienic checklist. He kept a travel pouch with deodorant, toothpaste with a toothbrush, and a hairbrush.

Bret sighed, "Stripe, I need Bluey."

Bret walked up to the other Heeler house. Bret knocked on the door, and Trixie opened it. She was surprised by Bret's appearance and couldn't believe she showed up without notice. Trixie let him in and gave Bret decaf coffee. He added milk and sugar to his coffee while talking to Trixie. 

"Why are you here?" Trix asked.

"I have one more person I need to testify." Bret grinned with comfort.

"And who would that be?" Trixie fired back.

"Bluey." Bret took a shallow breath, "Bluey might be our closer. I'm sick of going to the courtroom and facing Bandit! It's time I end this. A little friendly fire, you could say."

"By having Bluey answer questions?" Trixie scoffed, "Are you sure you would put her in the same room as her father, let alone a rapist?"

Bret growled, "I need her. This is my shot to end this case."

"No. She doesn't have to." Trixie smirked.

"Trix. I want Bandit behind bars. The case is at a stalemate, and when we get a breakthrough, Bandit lies and makes us struggle to bounce back." Bret cried quietly, "I'll help the sisters recover. I need special people in my life, too."

Trixie felt guilt strike her heart, "I mean... It's been busy having all four of them in the same household, and Muffin is almost starting to hurt them physically when she doesn't get her way."

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