Need you now 🥺/🥰

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Y/ns pov:
I hate being this way. I'm super clingy all the time and I feel like it's bothering Killian.. but then again I am a huge over thinker. I need Killian right now. These thoughts are too much. I feel annoying towards him Maybe I'm just overreacting. He doesn't think I'm annoying right..?

No Killian could never think that! I'm being ridiculous! He loves me. He could never not... at least I hope.. I need him to come home. These thoughts are not helping me.

I get up to go cook dinner. Tonight I'm making tacos but I'm not having fun, normally me and Killan cook together but he got stuck at work doing a report for his company so I'm coming alone. Hopefully he will be home soon.

~An Hour Later~
Food is down now I wait for Killian to get home. I sit on the couch and watch some tv. Just when I hear the door open. Thank god his home... I missed him so much. I need him so bad..

Narrator POV:
"Love!! I'm home" Killian calls out to y/n
He walks over to the couch and hugs her.
Y/n hugs back.

"Hey baby.." she looks at him

"What's wrong..? You look upset.." he looks her in the eyes and then sits next to her "talk to me. Tell me what's going on in that head of yours."

"Killian.. do you by chance think I'm annoying..?" She looks at him on the verge of tears.

"What? Love no! Ofc not I could never think that. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me!" He grabs her chin and lifts up so she's looking in his eyes. "I love you"

"I love you to" and with that they kiss!

Yes I know it's short but it's been wayyy too long since I posted so.. yeah here's a short one!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04 ⏰

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