Unfortunate News

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Hello to all of Luna's readers.

My name is Luke. I'm Luna's brother.

I'm not gonna sugarcoat things and get straight to the point with this as I made a promise to her to notify whomever she desired me too.

On the 3rd of January. Luna passed on in her sleep whilst hospitalized due to a sudden fever she had succumbed too in the end.

Im unsure of what she has told any of you about her issues, but she tried her best to not only stay here for us, but for you people as well.

I know this news is sudden, but I'm not really feeling great typing this.

But I'm a man of my word to family. And I'd do anything to fulfill her wishes.

I'm going to release the single chapter that she had finished right after this as that's what she wanted.

Thank you all for supporting her.

Don't take anyone you have in life for granted.


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