Chapter one

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The echo of menacing laughters from two curses rang across his mind whether awake, zoning out or unconscious when he was supposed to be in a slumber in bed. It was ever so restless for Yuuji that everyone around him noticed how he lacked the usual luster he tends to bring wherever he brought himself. His fighting practices and sparring were erratic, unclean- either going from exerting pure rage and frustration that caused lack of control of the damages, or to losing focus entirely and getting his own beating from the teacher or any dolls used for target practice, which wasn't as bad as having to go to a mission only to have his partner covering his ass. This only ever dampened his mood and made him feel more and more useless.

At one point, it got bad enough that Gojo Satoru himself visited the young sorcerer in his bedroom because he kept excusing himself from outings which was unlike him in every way. To have Nobara or Megumi visiting was common, they could share the sentiment of a friend who was of the same teenage dilemma, all three only differing ages by a few months. But Gojo was also observant enough to know what was bothering Yuuji, being one of the very few people who knew the boy was alive. The other two first-years might be helpful in this time, but they can't know about Yuuji being alive yet. Even though he never explicitly mentioned what happened, but Nanami had laid out the report of the unfortunate day that caused Yuuji's mental to stagger.

" When I asked for a report as I reached the venue, he put the failure to save a kid over his own injuries. It wasn ' t outlandish, as you have said, he habitually puts others '  wellbeing and safety first over his own life. But he was genuinely seeking bloodshed of the cursed spirit. The stiched-face curse. Even having to kill three transfigured humans despite his fears of  doing so, but the next second he really wanted to kill the curse with his own hands "  Nanami spoke over the rustling of paper handed to Gojo, who himself cited his own concerns.

" Ijichi said that Itadori had befriended the kid, Junpei, even went to his house to have dinner with him and his mother. I think they even watched a movie together. Then to have the mother killed, the kid also ended up seeking revenge at his school, and to see his new friend die in a deformed state like that... "  Gojo sighed, dropping the paper on the desk and pressed on his temple.

" He ' s someone with a pure purpose, and heart of gold. It ' s very uncommon to see in the Jujutsu world. We should be wary about his emotional state in the coming days. I know I said that sorcerers are shit, but he ' s one who could convince me it ' s not that bad. All battered, he still saved me but accepted none of the credits. Look after him "

Gojo came in the room with a plastic full of light snacks and sweets, in case the kid refused to go out the room to eat. He set it aside and looked over Yuuji who was lying under the blanket, curled to the side facing the closed windows that dimmed the light from outside. Ever since his death, Gojo had secured himself an extra dormitory room far from the students' general dorms, saying it was for personal work use. Hidden from the general occupants of Jujutsu Tech, Yuuji can sleep in a ventilated room rather than the basement for now. The heaviness of the air had reminded himself of what he went through with Geto Suguru, so he tried to take advantage of it to sympathize better with the boy.

"Yuuji? We were rather worried when you didn't want to join me and Nanami for outings, or to eat together," he broke the silence as he moved towards the side where Yuuji was facing, to see that the boy was awake, but barely there. He wasn't focusing on anything, eyes void of actual emotion at the moment but the redness under the eyes showed how he probably either lacked sleep or he had been crying. A lot.

When no answer was being given, Gojo crouched in front of Yuuji to force himself in his field of vision. He placed one hand on Yuuji's head, giving a gentle pat and a warm smile of a concerned teacher. Or maybe as a friend. Yuuji had been one of the very few who resonated in the same wavelength as himself, anyway, it made them bond pretty easily.

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