Chapter four

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This was bad. The reason Sukuna didn't bother Yuuji as much as before initially was because of the damned feelings he had been feeling after the first time he held him. Like actually holding him. He reasoned that it must have been because the longer they share a body, the more they merged, including nature. Yuuji benefitted from Sukuna's curse energy and power, and soon enough he probably would gain access to Sukuna's techniques. Sukuna reincarnated and grew stronger as well, waiting to break out of this confinement. But Yuuji's human emotions were starting to mess with Sukuna's mental gears. He thought he was being too leniet with the kid and that caused the barrier between the two to fade, and thus this happened. So the easiest solution was not associating with the kid as much. He just didn't expect to be so obvious about it.

Sukuna stayed on his throne, unmoving except putting his arms back on the armrests, which one of it was occupied by Yuuji earlier. He wanted to avoid Yuuji, but the vessel was rather pushy and now it just made Sukuna more aware of his emotions. Aware, but not understanding it. He knew he felt rather possessive of the kid now. Something about how Yuuji looked at him, and held him so cautiously, he felt like he wouldn't really like it if it was done towards anyone else. But knowing how the brat acts, he definitely will do it to a lot of people, and that set a silent rage within himself.

Why am I getting worked up over this? The idiot's overthinking habit is also getting to me, it seems like. How pathetic.

If the kid's pure emotions were seeping into the curse, making him return more into his humane nature albeit still devious, then surely Sukuna's evil nature will soon find home within Yuuji's habits. He knew that he felt differently and that made him uncomfortable. So having an insidious motivation behind it made him feel less insecure about the humane emotions making room in him.

In the next few days, to avoid any similar thoughts coming through as much, he went back to berating Yuuji on a daily basis. Some were malicious, some were just annoyed remarks, maybe criticizing other people around Yuuji and harrassed the blindfolded sorcerer directly, which caused Yuuji to tell him to shut up, though Gojo was fairly amused to see that's about as far that the curse could do at the moment. Yuuji was doing a good job of surpressing Sukuna despite being new to this Jujutsu world. It's worthy of respect even from Gojo.

"Gojo sensei!" Yuuji called out from a distance when he saw the white haired man, not caring about being heard because apparently the other students and teachers were involved in a trip of some sort, or a field test. Basically something related to the upcoming Goodwill event. Gojo beamed with a smile and waved while he skipped over to the boy, ruffling the pink messy hair once they're in front of each other.

"Today was supposed to be your day off, Yuuji. Why did you train by yourself?" Gojo asked the boy, but his smile never faltered. If anything, it got softer, akin to concern laced with pride. Gojo was dropping off the other students en venue and excused himself citing he had work and that it was pretty confidential. But it really was hanging out with Yuuji. Well. Still confidential, so not entirely a lie. If Sukuna was possessive, then Gojo was protective. Somewhat of the same coin but varying degrees of good and evil.

"I need to grow stronger by the time I meet Kugisaki and Fushiguro. I had some loose ends from yesterday that I have to work on,"

"The event is in two days, so don't push yourself. You need energy for that day since it's likely will exert you to the max," he explained, putting one hand on the kid's shoulder to lead him to where they'll be eating lunch together. Somewhere in Yuuji's mind he could sense the slight anger from Sukuna when Gojo was being touchy (which was not unusual for Gojo, but was a bit for Sukuna), but Yuuji just drowned out the emotion.

Sukuna, you ' re being rather emotional nowadays.

It's like being caught red handed, really, so Sukuna just ticked his tongue and went into a sulk for a bit, hating how he was becoming as obvious as the boy. If the boy acknowledged him being emotional, then there's no hiding from it anymore because then his suspicions about regaining humane emotions were true. Dammit.

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