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We see The Girls of 1-A,Melissa,and Mei Hanging out with the rest of the class and Eri 

Eri; Mommy Rockstar look *Playing Guitar*

Kyouka; Wow your Awesome Eri 

Eri: Imma Be a Rockstar hero like you *Smiles* 

Mina: she's Way to cute 

Tsuyu: Yea like an angel

Mineta: Hey Girls if I-

Girls: Mineta We'll never date you

mineta: Worth a Shot 

Just then Midnight came into the Dorms 

Midnight: Hey Girls How are you doing

Momo: Good 

Toru: It still hurts but were getting through it

Mei; They have everyones Support

Midnight: That's Good now come nezu Needs to see you Girls 

The Girls were confused but followed midnight to the office as Kirishima was babysiting Eri 

Nezu: Hello Girls 

All: Hello Nezu Sir

Nezu: Now I know you experienced Heartbreak but I Have a Mission for you Girls

Kyouka: what Kind of Mission sir 

Nezu: Bring this Vigilante/Villain into me 

They picked up the file and went wide eyed 

They picked up the file and went wide eyed 

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Ochako: sir what kind of Crack are you on

Nezu: That's like the fifth time someone's Asked me that

Momo: This is Red Hood He'll Kill us 

Midnight: He doesn't Kill women unless their Evil or Corrupt 

Nezu: and You girls are Pure of heart 

Mei: How are we supposed to take him down 

Aizawa: With your Skills you learned 

Melissa: But He's Red Hood He's Beaten almost all Top Ten Heroes and Has Killed So Many Corrupt Heroes 

Nezu: That may be true but your all True Heroes plus I want to Meet The Genius under The Mask 

All: What do you Mean

Nezu: I challenged him to a game of chest and he beat me Easily 

All: Really

Nezu: Yes and he even fought me and won 

All: Holy Shit

Nezu: Yes and I want to meet the Man behind the mask because I have a Theory who he is 

Momo: Who's that sir 

Nezu: Izuku

Ochako: sir we know he was your Grandson because his mother was your adopted daughter but He'd never act like this and he's Dead 

Nezu: Well even if it's not him he could help us so Do this mission and myabe we'll find Izuku

The Girls nodded and Grabbed the File and their Hero costumes and left 





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