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izuku and Deathstroke were walking as They walked down an Ally and Entered through the back of an Abandoned building

Izuku: COme on Out Uncle 

Just Then someone Dropped from the ceiling that someone being Hawks

Just Then someone Dropped from the ceiling that someone being Hawks

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Hawks: Hey Nephew Been a While 

Deathstroke: Wanna Tell us why Endeavor Came after Izuku

Hawks; Oh Him well Izuku pissed off The hero commissioner and You have Four People after You

Izuku: Lemme Guess Your One of them 

Hawks: Bingo and the Other Two are Deadshot and Bloodsport

Izuku: Hmmm Wonder why they are being commanded by her 

Hawks: Easy....Big Fat Check 40,000,000 Dollars for whoever brings you in dead 50,000,000 for whoever brings you in alive 

Izuku: I See 

Deathstroke; We Need to Take Those Two Out 

Hawks; Yea Well be careful because she's ramping up Security on the Hero Commission's Offices and She's Having Secret Dealings with someone 

Izuku: do You Know who

Hawks: No I don't have the Clearance but with Endeavor Dead I Should get the clearance 

Deathstroke: We can just have the League of Assassins Help us 

Hawks: Unless she's Expecting that 

Izuku: She doesn't Know Much about me Just My Identity and that I Have diplomatic Immunity 

Hawks: She'll Use Endeavors Death to take it away from you

Izuku: She can Try it won't Stop me Endeavor was the First Part the Second part is her and I Plan to have her Dead by any Means Necessary 

Hawks: Before Her We Need to focus on Deadshot and Bloodsport

Deathstroke: They Shouldn't Be a Problem

They Nodded as They Dispersed and Later Hawks was at The HC's Office

HC: How could that fool Get himself killed 

Hawks: He wasn't Careful Maam 

HC: Yea Your Right 

Deadshot: I find it weird that you weren't with him 

Hawks: what are you saying

Bloodsport: Why would you Not Go With him Tonight 

Hawks: Because He didn't Tell me he was doing this Tonight 

Deadshot: Strange also Strange that Izuk had that confidential Information from the systems Here

HC: ENough I will not be having you Accusing My Best hero Now Hawks We Need a Number 1 Hero You Ready To Accept that Responsibility 

Hawks: Yes

HC: Good Now You Two go and Kill Red Hood

Deadshot and Bloodsport Left as Hawks had to Stay cautious about The Future and We see Izuku and Chisato Cuddling

CHisato: You Did amazing

Izuku: Thanks babe 

CHisato: Your so close and I Know Your gonna Succeed 

Izuku: Thanks and once I Do We'll Be Safe 

CHisato: Yea, You gonna show those Cheaters who's Boss

Izuku: Ohhh I'm Gonna Kick Their Asses and Make sure they Know that They're the Scum of the Eart 

CHisato: Good Because they're No Good Bastards

Izuku: Sure are

Izuku and Chisato Kissed and went To sleep having a Nice Sleep





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