Chapter 4- I see potential

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Finley's pov:

I arrive at my house and my mums cars no where to be seen. Atleast one thing is going right.

I open the door to my house and I'm met with the usual smell of alcohol and whatever drugs the woman's taking.

I need to fucking clean this place is a state.

I run upstairs and grab my headphones turning my music on and grabbing the hoover.

"I don't know about you but I'm feeling 22 everything will be alright if you keep me next to youuu." I mutter to myself now mopping the floor before I dust.

That looks better. I think to myself as I look around the now clean house.

I take my headphones out.

To be honest I don't know how to feel about Leah my heart is telling me to trust her and every other atom in my body is telling me ignore the fuck out of her and never talk to her again.

Fuck my life, why is my brain so loud all the time?

Weed. Great idea.

My body's still sore so it will help aswell and I need to change this bloody dressing on my eye.

I change the dressing and grab a roll up before lighting it and taking a drag.

I sit down on the sofa and feel at peace atleast a little bit.

My minds always running ten thousand miles per hour and sometimes, well all the time, it gets to much. I hate my brain but then I also love it because it gets me in situations that I can get a proper laugh out of later down in the line.

I grab my phone.


No wonder I'm tired I should probably go to sleep.

I take one last drag before throwing the but in the bin and heading upstairs, I have a shower and get crhanged into some shorts and a sports bra, putting some cream on my bruises before laying down in bed to go to sleep.

I feel good about tonight's sleep hopefully it will be a good one.


Beep beep... beep beep.

"Fucks sake." I grumble waking up to that alarm every morning kills me.

No school today luckily for me which means I can do whatever I want today... well obviously in regulation. But then again when did I follow rules and regulations.

I get changed into a tracksuit for the day before sneaking down the stairs and looking through the hole in the wall to see if my mums awake to even home.


She's currently sitting on the sofa drinking a beer while watching the reality show eastenders.

I walk down the rest of the stairs and attempt to walk by and into the kitchen but almost immediately she speaks up.

"Oi! Where do you think your going?!" She shouts at me.

"To get some fucking breakfast." I grumble as she stands up and grabs me harshly by the wrist.

Next thing I know her fist connects with my face.

"You don't deserve to eat you failure. Your the reason he's dead because your a selfish retard." She seethed her breath smelling strongly of weed and alcohol.

That one stung a bit.

"It's not my fault he's dead." I mutter walking of into the kitchen.

I open the cupboards and see we have no oatmeal left, I'm weird like that I can only eat a ceartain thing for breakfast and that's oatmeal but we're out.

I go over to the money pot and grab a tenner before leaving the house through the back door and walking down to my local co-op.

I probably look a bit crazy with my dressing over my eye and the other one having a bruise forming over it but hey ho it's England everyone's fucking weird in their own way.

I get my usual oatmeal and make my way back to my house.

I open the door and realise my mum and her car is gone.

"Score." I laugh to myself going into the kitchen to make myself my breakfast now.

That's when I see a note on the fridge, I pick it up to read it.

I've got up to manny. Don't know when I'll be back, don't know if I will be back. I'm staying with your uncle Guy don't follow me or I'll give you the beating you deserve.

I don't know how to feel about that one.

Should I feel relieved she's gone or sad that my own mother has just left me like that.

I sit eating my oatmeal reading the note over and over continuously for the entirety of the time it takes my to eat.

Ring ring, ring ring.

For fucks sakes who's calling me now, I think to myself putting the note down and grabbing my phone. Unknown number.

"Hello is this Finley Stone?" I recognise that accent.

"Yeah it is who's asking?" I grumble flopping down onto the sofa.

"This is Jonas Eidevall the Arsenal manager. You Leah stopped by to get your... injuries checked out. How are they by the way." He ask concern lacing his voice.

"There fine swedie. Why are you calling me." I say getting impatient.

"Well after watching some of your game tape I can say I've never seen so much talent and potential in a fifteen year old as I see in you." I can practically hear his smile and it's pissing me off.

"Get to the point for fucks sake." I hear him chuckle after I say that.

"I would like to offer you a contract."

"Ha good joke leave me alone now." I laugh.

"I'm not joking Finley I want you to come down and discuss contract options with me tommrow." The swede says.

"One question."

"Go on."

"Will I get paid?" I smirk

"You will."

"Count me the fuck in! What time do you want me down there." I say excitedly.

"Ten am preferably." He says chuckling again.

"I'll be there." I say hanging up.

Finally something in my life is going fucking right.

Only problem about this is I'll have to see and speak to Leah.


Word count: 1024

A/n: I'm gonna try and be as active with this book as possible but with basketball and other life activities might be a bit hard but I'll make time.

Leave your thoughts and tips in the comments pleaseeee.

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