Part 1: The Beginning

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"What are you doing?" I asked in my squeaky small voice.

Many older men and women were roaming around the steel table I was situated on, most of them probing around my joints. Some held sharp knives, and others bottles of liquid. I was frightened as I saw a sharp needle cradled in another's gloved fingers.

"We're going to see what you are," someone said.

"No! Leave me alone!" I squealed and kicked. Many different hands pulled me down to stop my fussing as I tried biting someone's hand.

"Ack!" the victim shouted as my tiny teeth made contact with skin.

"Hold her!" another voice commanded.

"No!" I shouted. I tried pushing myself up, but it was no use. My attempt was stopped when strong hands held me down.

Suddenly, something was stabbed into the crease of my elbow. My eyes started to feel heavy, like cinder blocks. I fought to keep them open, but to no avail.

"She'll be fine now." a voice echoed and I fell into deep sleep.

My eyes opened, revealing nothing but a barred window and pale light.

I yawned and stretched, still feeling tired as my limbs wanted more rest. I hugged my knees to my chest. It has been six years since I've been captured by these people. I guessed I was in an enclosed facility in Germany, from what I had heard eavesdropping on the other scientists. So far away from my American home of Massachusetts from what I had heard from my Healer.

I kicked the sheets off, detangling my legs fro them. Here I felt so alone. Not having a family, I guess I had lived my life secluded from everyone else. I knew every nook and cranny in this place. I knew when and where I was supposed to be. My Trainer said I was the only one here. When he said that, I felt alone. For years I had wondered what it would be like to be normal. Not a freak of nature where everyone gawks at you strangely.

I was never allowed out of the building. I wasn't even allowed to at least look out a window. For years I had endured hours of rigorous physical tests. I was checked head to foot, ear to ear everyday for any signs of change. My blood, skin, and brain were tested six times a week. I hadn't known why they tested so hastily. My Healer also had said I'm one of a kind. That no one was like me at all. At least that's what I thought.

I remembered one night I was up and playing with a ball. Tossing it around my hands, I heard a conversation outside. Obviously these people forgot that I could hear a flea jumping on an animal from a mile away, so listening was no problem.

"The school? What school?" the first voice had asked.

"I think it was somewhere along the lines of Xavier's School for Freakish Youngsters or something like that," the second replied.

I had stopped playing with my ball and listened intently.

"Yeah, I hear that a bunch of kids like Daniella were taken there to 'be free' or something stupid like that." There was a scuffling and I realized someone was scribbling something down on a paper.

"That's stupid," the second voice scoffed. "Where did Professor Harden say it was at again?"

"Somewhere in New York."

New York? Where was that?

"I also heard that the guy who was the whole brains of the operation is crippled or something. And he's also some freak of nature."

"He is?" the second voiced asked.

A school? For people like me?

"No way," I'd spoke. My eyes widened and I clamped my hand over my mouth. Why did I just say that out loud?"

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