02. spilled beans

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Bella and Connor woke up the next morning and stayed in bed for most of the day. Bella had requested a movie day, and that they talk about what they do next. The day started with the last two episodes of Greys Anatomy, then Miracle. Which is where they were now.

Maya had just stopped in to check on the two, and Bella told her that Connor now knew. So now the four, Maya, Quinn, Connor, and Bella could talk about the pregnancy. But Bella still wasn't sure how she wanted to tell everyone. She was thinking she would just kind of spit it out, and hope for the best, but she wanted Connor's input.

"I have a question." Bella said to Connor and she turned to look at him.

"What it is?"

"When are we going to tell everyone?"

"Whenever you feel comfortable doing so."

"I want to tell everyone soon, but i guess I'm a little scared too." Bella admitted.

"Why are you scared? Everyone will be happy, you know that."

"Yeah, but, I don't know. Maybe because I don't know how I'm going to tell everyone."

"Okay, well we have time to think about out it. We don't need to rush." Connor told Bella so her nerves eased a bit.

"Maybe I'll just say it at dinner, like Morgan did with Noah." Bella thought out loud, she knew Connor would be okay with anyway she wants to say it.

"Uhm...When are we going to tell like, my parents and sister?"

"We can call them during dinner, so they all find out at the same time. Oh, now i'm super excited." Bella said.

When dinner came around, and everyone was done eating, Connor stepped out to get his parents on facetime so no one was suspicious. He walked back in and sat down with his phone leaning against his glass, pointing at him and Bella.

"Hey, guys, I have something to say." Bella said getting everyone attention, "I'm...uh, I'm pregnant." There was silence for only a moment.

"Really?" Chloe turned to her best friend with a huge smile on her face. Bella smiled and nodded her head. Everyone cheered and smiled, they all stood up to congratulate to soon-to-be-parents.

"I'm so happy for you." Jack said as he hugged his sister, Luke doing the same and her thanking the both of them.

     "Okay, we do this everytime, boy or girl?" Maya asked everyone.

     Almost everyone was saying girl, Maya, Quinn, Morgan and Chloe all said girl. Jack, Luke, Connor and Bella all said boy, the twins didn't want to guess because according to them it would be unfair because they are always right, so they couldn't spoil it. Then Noah and Joshua (Chloe's baby) were still too young to guess as they are babies.

That night Connor and Bella were up in their room discussing things for the baby, and what they would be doing.

"So, I'm going to announce my retirement this summer." Bella told Connor.

"Should I?"

"No, you still have a few years left to play. I would be out all season and have to be in Vancouver with a baby, when the baby's dad is in Chicago."

"So, you'll move to Chicago and live with me?" Connor asked Bella who thought about it for a moment.

She would pack up the life she made in Vancouver, leave her brother, Maya and the twins. But, she would be with her husband after all this time of waiting. To her, no matter how sad the move would be, in the long run it would make her the happiest.

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