Chapter 1

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Luke arrives at school and almost falls while walking to get off the bus. Luke walks to his first class of the day, Math. Luke has never been a fan of math and math has never been a fan of Luke. Luke has tried every trick in the book to skip math but he can't afford to be suspended.

Time passes and it's time for Luke's 4th period class. Physical Education. Luke has really never been a sports guy either but at least it's not as bad at math.
Luke walks to PE class and sits in his normal seat. Luke starts opening his bag to grab his gym clothes when he feels a hand grab him by the back and yank him back, almost yanking him off the chair. He turns to look at who the fuck just almost pulled him to hell and sees the person he hates most. Matthew. Matthew dated one of Luke's old friends Lily and their relationship didn't end well so luke knows how Matthew is. The fuck was that for? Luke says. Nothing just wanted to fuck with ya. Matthew says. For the past couple months Luke has had a weird connection to Matthew and has always had a sense of love for Matthew but thought it was just him being weird in his head so he's always just kind of ignored it. 

Each row of desks go at a time to change into their clothes and it was Luke's rows turn. Matthew was also in that row so everyone in his row gets up and heads to the locker room. As Luke and Matthew enter the boys section of the locker room Matthew slaps Luke on the Ass and gives Luke a wink. Luke can't help but to slightly blush on the inside but has to look disgusted to seem like he doesn't like Matthew. They both get changed in the stalls and head back to class and completed ignore what happened not even 5 seconds ago.

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