dovewing x bumblestripe

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(art is mine)

dovewing sighed ever since she had broken up with tigerheart half a moon ago she had felt as though something was missing as she looked at bumblestripe she realized what "bumblestripe?" she questioned padding over "would you like to go on a walk with me?"

"anything for you dovewing" said bumblestripe dreamily as they headed out of camp their pelts brushed. eventually once they were deeper in the forest bumblestripe asked the question that had been on his mind "ummm dovewing, why did you want to go on a walk?" 

"because b-bumblestripe I-I think I love you" bumblestripes gaze filled with tears she loved him! 

"I LOVE YOU TOO DOVEWING!!!"exclaimed bumblestripe with a burst of emotion then more quietly asked " do you want to be my mate?" 

"of COURSE bumblestripe!" and together tails intwined they walked side by side into the sunset

                                            TIME SKIP : HALF A MOON LATER

dovewing could've sworn she felt something move inside her stomach though she decided to ignore it as she curled up beside bumblestripe. it seemed to be nothing but as the day continued it seemed to get worse until eventually dovewing walked over to the medicine den to consult jayfeather as she briefly explained her problems without even looking up from his herbs he told her "you're expecting kits" 

"w-w-what a-are you sure?"

"do I look like a medicine cat or not, now get out of my den so I can sort herbs in peace!!" dovewing stumbled out of the den in shock kits! she was expecting kits! suddenly she ran over to bumblestripe to tell him the news "bumblestripe I'm expecting your kits!" 

"that's great dovewing!" suddenly his gaze darkened "are you okay? do you need water? anything?! are you supposed to be in the nursery!?" 

"oh bumblestripe its okay the kits aren't due for a few moons I can still do some warrior duties"

"o-oh okay then" said bumblestripe still fretting over the kits

                                    TIME SKIP: A FEW MOONS

dovewing heaved herself to her paws as she padded out of the nursery her belly heavy with the kits as she squeezed out of the thorn barrier she absent-mindedly walked through the forest coming to a stop at the old twoleg place a familiar scent wreathed around her nostrils "tigerheart" she greeted stiffly as the dark tabby stepped out of the bushes

"dovewing" he replied

"how's life in shadowclan I hear you have a new mate" she practically spat the last word out

"yes" he paused "but she's nowhere near as good as you" dovewing looked at him wierdly "dovewing I still love you will you take me back as a mate" 

"of course not" she said she was about to say more but a rippling wave of pain cut her off "the kits!" she gasped "the kits are coming" as she lay there writhing in pain she managed to scream "tigerheart! get a medicine cat!" 

"of course" he said, he ran off to the forest but instead of getting a medicine cat all he did was run back to camp leaving dovewing screaming on the forest floor

"dovewing! dovewing! where are you!?!?!" yelled bumblestriep this morning when he had gone to check on dovewing all he had found was an empty nest and dovewings stale scent trailing out to the forest he raced into a clearing scanning the area there! a gray lump of fur curled by a bush "dovewing!" Called Bumblestripe as he raced over to the gray she cat he saw her curled around 3 little bundles the kits! They had been born Bumblestripe rejoiced at the fact but dovewing had a dull look in her eyes and as he looked closer at the kits he realized one was dead "oh dovewing" he murmured "I'm sorry what are their names?" 

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