Chapter 3

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The next morning.

Lelia groaned softly as she was gently being shaked, she was woken from her peaceful sleep by her father Sébastien. She groaned a bit louder and swatted her hand at her father.

"5 more minutes daddy...." she said with a sleepy tone.

Sébastien snickered and poked her cheek, "Come on little wolf. You got school and I've got work." He said kindly.

Leila sighed and raised up, she rubbed her eyes and then waited for her vision to adjust.

"Oh, a handsome daddy" she grinned.

"How're still going to school young lady" he said.

"Fuck..." she mumbled.

He smacked her lightly on the head

"Hey!" She exclaimed.

"Watch your mouth little lady"

"I can't, my eyes don't go that far" she replied sarcastically.

Sébastien gave her a looked and all he got from her was an innocent smile and doe like eyes. He leaned forward and kissed her forehead soft.

"Get up, dressed and come get breakfast. Be quick cause I'm running late today." He said checking his watch.

"Daddy I can walk to school, hurry up and go please? You can't miss work again because of me..." she said with a sad tone.

He nodded and kissed her forehead again before leaving quickly. "Have a great day at school!!" He yelled.

She soon got dressed, ate her breakfast and then headed off to school. She checked her phone to see is Jacob had texted her but he didn't. Was she expecting a good morning little pup from the handsome boy?

She typed out a text but stopped herself, she hesitated, should she text him first or should she wait for him to? She was falling hard for this boy she barely knows, was he falling for her as well?

She got to the crosswalk and waited for the light, she hummed a soft tune to pass the time. From the corner of her eye she thought she saw someone. She looked to the east to see if she was seeing things. A few squirrels scurried by with acorns.

She giggled and looked at her phone again, still no text from Jacob. She had a slight pout on her lips, he text she types out she had decided to send it. She hit send and it made the whoosh sound indicating it was sent.

The walk like turned to the walking symbol and she began to cross the street. Out of nowhere a car came barreling down the street going at least 65 miles per hour. Leila froze suddenly, like a deer in headlights.

She tried to move but her body refused to respond or budge. The car came close to hitting her when she was pushed out of the way and the car hit someone else.

It had hit Jacob.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22 ⏰

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