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Hello there! My name is Clyden.

I will be writing my feelings, thoughts, rants, opinions, confessions, and actually everything that I want to share. So, I will be telling you what to expect and what this chip is all about.

First, I wanted to tell you how introvert of a person I am and now I am currently 17 years old. Since I am an introvert, I always shut my mouth up, I never share the things that I want to say. So, this will be like a blog. I will be writing stuff when I feel like it and its about things that I wanted to say that I cant say in real life. Yea... I guess its kinda sad how I cant share my thoughts to anyone irl but hey! Dont be mean.

Second, There will be grammatical errors ofcourse because I will be writing what I feel and sharing it with you anon will be fun so ofc im excited and dont care if I had a grammatical mistake.

Third, Sometimes it will be taglish

Fourth, I will be writing and publishing whenever I want and if I didnt publish anything for a week, that just mean that I was busy or nothing to share.

Fifth, It will be mixed. Sometimes I will write fun experiences, cool and happy, But I will also write sad, deep thoughts, venting or ranting.

Sixth, some of it will be debatable, again. This is a teenager OPINIONS and confessions, If you think I am wrong, please correct me or tell it nicely cause Im a crybaby hehe.

I think thats it, I hope you support me and I hope your having a great day you deserve. Be patient please, Stay update, Thank you!

Opinions and Confessions of an introverted TeenagerWhere stories live. Discover now