1:future message?

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dear future me,
        I'm 17 years old now, and I am doing my best to treat and take care of ourselves. Its been hard, yeah! But are you still there? be strong okay? like how you fight for yourself when you're younger, okay? It's hard here. REALLY HARD, but I dont know, maybe its harder there? that you're not a minor anymore?

       Things had been hectic here, but hey! I am doing fine and doing everything I can to hold and be the clyde they know. Listen to some w2e songs, some CAS, and laufey, that's what I'm listening to rn. I want to tell you that no matter what you go through this time. I am here. Read this! You're strong, you are loved, and you're the bravest person I know. That kind of person who hugs himself when he cries, when he needs someone to comfort him, I know it's hard to just forget those memories to be happy, but I'm not trying to remove those, why? Because it's what makes me this person today.

        No matter what happens in the future, dont starve yourself, take care okay? That's all. Remember, they are people who care and will listen to you :)


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30 ⏰

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