Chapter 1

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Arushima and Savi met for the first time on the day of their college admissions. They were standing in the queue next to each other and started chatting. They would never have imagined then that this casual small talk would lead to a friendship they would cherish for the rest of their life.

They got admitted in the same class and sat on the same bench, firstly because both didn't know anyone else but then out of genuine liking for each other. They were literally inseparable.

Arushima was a day scholar at the engineering college, they went together to. Savi was from a small town nearby and lived in college hostel.
They studied together, did their assignments together and even spent most of their weekends together either going to mall for shopping or watching KDramas on Savi's Laptop.

Aaru, as Savi called her, lived with her parents whom Savi had met a few times and who also adored Savi. Aaru also had a brother, Himanshu, who was doing his masters in another city. Savi had never met him but knew that he too was a potterhead like she was and Aaru was not.

One Saturday Aru's parents had gone out of town for some family function. So she had invited Savi to her home for company instead of going to the hostel like she mostly did. They were sitting together in living room completing their assignment and discussing the new Kdrama that they were watching currently. Aaru had forgotten to mention that her brother was also at home for the weekend. While they were sitting there chatting, he came in the room with 2 cups of coffee in his hand. One he handed to Savi and just to mess with his sister asked her to get her own cup from the kitchen. Aaru as expected started bickering and demanded that he should bring her coffee too. Savi was an only child so this light war going on between them, which is very common to all siblings around the world, was new to her. She innocently thought that it was going out of hand and in order to defuse the situation gave her cup to Aaru and started walking towards kitchen to get the third cup. Himanshu took that cup away from Aaru, gave Savi his cup and asked Aaru to get her own. By this time Aaru figured, she had to concede defeat and went to the kitchen. Himanshu celebrated his victory by drinking from Savi's cup which led to Savi's embarrassment. She had actually taken a sip from it before giving it to Aaru and sheepishly said so to him. He just shrugged and gave her a dazzling smile which pulled a nerve in Savi's body she didn't know existed. Savi was thankful Himanshu couldn't read minds but she didn't know that the creeping blush on her cheeks hadn't gone unnoticed by him. He chuckled inwardly and sat on the sofa. Savi too came back to her seat on the floor where she and Aaru had been sitting with assignments scattered on the coffee table.

Himanshu wanting to break the ice asked her "Which assignment are you guys doing?"

"Operating systems" Savi replied

"Ohh does Prof. Karnik still teach it?"

"Yes" Savi replied with a smile. It was Himanshu's turn to get dazzled. He couldn't place it, the thing that was making this girl so interesting to him. He had never felt this pull towards any other girl before. He was musing about it when finally Aaru came in with the cup. Savi had been wondering where she had went for so long. What she didn't know was her best friend had been standing just outside the room observing them chat.

Aaru had never seen Himanshu even noticing any of her other friends. He usually make himself scarce in such occasions. Today not only did he make coffee for them but also sat down and started chatting with Savi. She was amused and also tickled by the idea of him and Savi together.

Aaru had always been an outspoken girl and as Savi said, had no filter. She finally decided to join them and point blank asked Himanshu, "why are you chatting with my friend?"

Himanshu looked up bemused and asked " And why can't I?"

"Because you never have before"

"Of course I haven't before, we have met each other today"

"You know I didn't mean that"

Though Aaru and Himanshu were unbothered Savi was getting anxious with this rapid fire round. She didn't know why she was feeling this shy.

'Wait was it shy!! No she shouldn't be feeling shy!! He is just Aaru's elder brother. He sure is handsome but so what you have interacted with handsome boys. Infact it's easy to talk to them because you know they would never be interested.' Savi, according to Aaru, was clueless about her own charms and so this line of thought in Savi's mind.

Aaru again questioned, "You have never shown any interest in any of my friends before"

Now that's gone too far Savi thought.

"You have never bought a friend home who I found interesting"

'Wait, what!!' Savi was secretly panicking now.

"But how do you know Savi is interesting you have just met her"

'Hello I am sitting right here', Savi thought desperately

"She is a potterhead, isn't she?" Asked Himanshu

"Aah, right. But hang on I never told you that" replied Aaru

"Her bag has a deathly hallow charm" he pointed towards it for good measure.

"Of course", finally putting down her metaphorical gun, Aaru sat down next to Savi.

Savi still was a bit uneasy about this whole conversation. This was not missed by Himanshu and to make her feel comfortable again asked her, "Who is your favourite character?"

That did the trick and Savi relaxed instantly "Dumbledore" with a bright smile.

"Aah so you believe in 'for the greater good'"

"Yep. Who is yours?"


"Let me guess because of Emma Watson"

"Because she is intelligent, practical, loyal and yet not a robot. And yes Emma is beautiful which seals the deal."

Savi laughed at that and Aaru said, "This is exactly why I hadn't told you that she is HP fan. I knew you two will start jabbering immediately and I would be bored."

"But you have an option, you know, to start reading the books. it's never too late" Savi teased her

"No use telling her. I have been trying to make her read since she was a child" said Himanshu

"I have watched the movies" Aaru pouted

"It's not the same" said both Savi and Himanshu in unison and all three of them laughed at that.

Subject was changed for Aaru's benefit and conversation flowed with ease much to her surprise. Savi had long forgotten her embarrassment and was also enjoying both of their company. Though Himanshu had found Savi interesting from the start he was amazed at the fact that he could talk to her so easily. Her face lit up when she talked about things she was interested in. She was confident and intelligent and had the most beautiful set of eyes he had ever seen. A Pair of jet black doe shaped eyes that matched her long beautiful straight hair.

They sat there chatting for a long time. Savi went back to her hostel in the evening despite Aaru's many requests asking her to stay the night. She told Aaru that she couldn't stay there as she hadn't taken permission from her warden, which was partially true. But the true reason she knew was Himanshu. She had no idea why but she couldn't stay there with him the under same roof. Savi had never found herself in such an unknown state of mind before and her fight instincts were telling her to stay away.

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