Chapter 2

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It was the next day and Savi was sitting in her hostel  room with her roommate Kayra, watching the new movie trailer of the Fantastic Beasts series. Kayra too had watched all HP movies but wasn't a reader. However both of them were equally drooling over Jude Law as young Dumbledore (drooling over Dumbledore sounds weird I know but it's Jude Law how can anyone help it) and also admiring the apt choice of Johnny Depp as Grindalwald. Kayra was flicking through her FB page on the side when she pinched Savi hard on her arm.

"Ouch!! What was that for ?!"

"You never told me Aaru has a brother!! A handsome elder brother!!" Kayra was totally crazy when it came to boys. She was a mobile database of good-looking boys of their college which Savi thought was waste of her abilities and pretty stupid which often she told her so. Kayra always ignored that jibe and fulfilled her duties as an informant which Savi never asked for.

"Yeah. She has a brother. He is doing his Masters, last year. I met him yesterday."

"What!! Why didn't you tell me"

"What's there to tell in that? I had went to her home and he happened to be there." Savi cringed at her own fake nonchalance.

"Argh!! How can you be so uninterested. Look at him he so cute" pointing to his FB profile picture.

"Why are you looking at his profile? You don't even know him"

"You know FB was created to actually get to know new people, right?" Asked Kayra sarcastically.

Savi never understood this part of its feature. She was old fashioned like that. She would have actually preferred people keeping the old Victorian tradition of not talking to any strangers until introduced by a mutual acquaintance. She personally followed said rule in her own life. She was always mistaken to be prude for the same reason which was far from truth. She was just wired different.

"Anyways what was he like?"

"He is okay" . Who was she kidding. She knew he was more than okay but didn't want to tell Kayra that. "We didn't interact much"

"Ohh" Kayra looked deflated. Savi had actually lied about him which was very rare for her. She was completely clueless as to why she had done so.

Desperately wanting to change the subject she shifted it to the movie trailer again.

"So we are going to the movie right?" she asked Kayra

"Ohh.. actually I am going with Meet" Kayra said sheepishly

"Kayra!! You promised me. And wait, you already have a date that too for which you are ditching me and you are asking me about Himanshu too!! What are you??!!" Savi said annoyed

"Ohh so he is Himanshu and not Aaru's brother now
Is it" teased Kayra wiggling her eyebrows.

Savi caught off guard tried to cover her embarrassment in more annoyance  "Don't change the subject. You are ditching me for your date. We had decided to go together or have you forgotten."

Kayra was still smiling mischievously "Well that was before Meet asked me out. How can I say no to him Savi. You go with Aaru. May be her brother will join too" she said grinning ear to ear.

Why was Savi blushing like an idiot. " You know Aaru isn't interested in watching it."

"Just ask her I am sure she will come. She loves you"

"Unlike you" Savi said with knitted brows.

Kayra being Kayra hugged her in compensation and said " You know that's not true" which pacified Savi.

Of course Savi knew she can always drag Aaru to the movie like Aaru had done to watch that stupid Salman khan movie. 'That was a complete nightmare and Aaru owes me one' thought Savi.

Savi was thinking about this when Aaru actually came through the doors.

"You didn't tell me you were coming?"

"I got bored at home" typical Aaru.

"Your parents haven't returned yet?"

"No they are going to be late and Dada has also gone out with his friends"

At mention of the word 'Dada', which Aaru called her elder brother, Kayra's ears perked up like a meerkat.
Savi didn't miss it.

"Anyways you are coming to Fantastic beasts movie with me next Saturday. This one here has ditched me" Savi exclaimed.

Aaru was about to protest but Savi cut her off " Aaru you owe me one remember that stupid movie I went to last time because of you"

"You were literally snoring in it"

"Exactly that was a torture. I rest my case"

Aaru was going to argue but thought better of it. It really had been a favour by Savi. And this was not even comparable. She secretly liked these movies. She was only not mad about them like Savi or her brother were.

"Fine. I'll ask Dada to book the tickets"

At that Kayra chose to spit out the water she was drinking and started coughing for air with her eyes watering.

"Ohh so you 3 are going together?" She asked pointedly.

"He has been pestering me to go with him. Two birds or stones or something like that" she and Kayra grinned at each other.

Savi was completely thrown by this development and had no idea how to react. She couldn't say no now after all the blackmailing she did minutes ago. But how can she ask Aaru to not let her brother tag along. She knew she was being a bit unreasonable here. He really hadn't done anything wrong to her. On contrary he had been an absolute gentleman.

"He's friends are not going?" Savi tried hopelessly.

"No one interested from them is in the city that weekend"

She could literally feel Kayra's pointed gaze drilling a hole into her. She is going to ask questions once Aaru leaves, Savi was sure of it. Unfortunately she herself didn't have any answers to them.

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