Break outs before break throughs

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After America had taken Finland's blood they parted ways, Finland returning back into the halls with UN, and America turning back to his work to inspect the sample he had taken. Though there didn't seem to be anything special in Finland's blood. It was like any old regular blood and America made sure that was the case by checking a sample of his own as well. They were the same. Perhaps there was nothing special about Finland in this situation.. In that case it was best they kept an eye on the Finnish man just in case.

While America continued to scan for differences under the microscope his phone began to ring. The man would take his phone out of his pocket promptly answering it and wedging between his head and shoulder so he could multitask. "You have called freedom how may I help you today." The American answered in the most unserious way as he frequently did with his phone calls. A familiar voice would be on the end of the line with the sound of kids screaming in the background. "Hello Ame."

"Canadaaaaa! How are the states? Are they behaving for you?" The American said with a joyful tone in his voice to which the Canadian on the other line promptly answered. "Yes well.. They are as behaved as they are usually.. Just calling to say that I am leaving Mexico with the states for a while as I am going out to help Kazakhstan have another look for Russia."

"Damn that big grump is still out moping somewhere? Better find him soon or else I might just start to miss the asshole and I would preferably like to avoid that." America didn't like Russia but he wasn't going to reduce himself to such a heartless person as to not worry about someone who had gone missing. Of course there was still the case that Russia was just out there cursing at a bird for singing too loud in a forest somewhere.. For like a week... He was a big strong country there was surely not much to worry about.

"And I was just going to say that-" Canada was suddenly cut off as the lights in America's lab turned red and the sound of an alarm started to sound. America ended up dropping his phone on the floor with surprise to which he then ran off to see what was going on. "Hello? Ame? Hellooo?" Canada eventually hung up the phone seemingly not getting an answer from America anymore. He wasn't sure what was happening over there but he had things here to deal with.

"Oh well" The Canadian sighed before turning around to a few states waiting behind him patiently. "You guys will be nice for Mr Mexico yes? No crushing him or breaking things?" The little states grinned and nodded. "We'll be the best behaved!" Oklahoma shouted. "Yes the best!" North Dakota exclaimed.

"There are my favourite nieces and nephews." The canadian said as he gave the states a pat on the head before making his leave. Mexico would then walk into the room rubbing his eyes already seeming exhausted by the job he had been given. "Alright then niños, I've made some brownies in the other room. Come this way if you'd like some." And with that the Mexican let the small and excited states away for brownies a slight cough being heard in the distance before they were gone.

Meanwhile in the facility where they were containing the monstrous countries it had become mayhem. Siren's were blaring loudly and flashing red. Guards and scientists were running about the halls all seeming to be in a hurry. Finland and UN much like America had stopped what they were doing to see why the alarm had started as they peered into the chaotic halls they were met with scientists running through in panic. "HE'S ESCAPED! HE BROKE CONTAINMENT!" And other such things could he heard in the yells. Well.. They were only containing one male country in this facility. Poland had broken out. UN and Finland both looked rather shocked then proceeded to run towards the direction everyone was running away from.

Eventually getting to the containment it was clear that Poland had somehow broken the glass of his containment room and was trying to claw himself out of the room. "HOW THE HELL DID THIS HAPPEN? THIS GLASS IS STRONG ENOUGH TO HOLD GALLONS OF WATER WITH SHARKS IN IT!" UN exclaimed as they watched the violent out of control country. From the other side of the hall came America holding a big gun looking quite prepared. "AMERICA. DON'T YOU DARE." UN warned the other sternly. "It's going to kill people if it gets out! ..Can I at least shoot it a little?!"

Both Finland and UN both had the same response to the other both giving him a loud "NO!" America begrudgingly stopped pointing his gun at the monstrous country. "Where did you even get that gun anyway?! This place has so much security and that doesn't look like a gun that the guards carry." Finland shouted with a mix of confusion and curiosity in this moment adrenaline fuelled moment. America left the other with silence for a few moments before answering in a hesitant manor. "I'm not.. telling.."

With the countries too busy arguing, Poland grew restless and started getting more aggressive and intent on getting out of his entertainment. "RIGHT WE NEED TO SOLVE THIS PROBLEM." UN said finally focusing on how to deal with the incident. He would open up a panel on the wall beside Poland's containment viewing window revealing a selection of buttons, cables and all sorts of confusing technical controls. There was also a numpad with a screen waiting for someone to input numbers. UN took some cables and proceeded to pull them out of their places and switch them around. He'd then start inputting a code on the numpad giving the raging beast a few glances while he pressed the buttons. Upon UN pressing the final number and giving it the ok, a protocol seemed to have been activated.

Through the speakers of the area came an automated protocol announcement. "Air born danger protocol activated. Sealing containment. ERROR. ERROR. Initiating anti fire safety procedures. Extracting oxygen from containment." The first protocol would cause the containment to seal off, sealing even that viewing window that Poland was trying to force his way out of. Poland had no choice but to back away or risk getting his hands crushed as the seal came over the window. The second safety measure didn't seem to be connected to the first one. It had probably been activated as well due to UN's intentional cable switch. The sound of vacuum like machinery could be heard as it emptied the oxygen out of Poland's sealed containment. Poland simply screeched and pounded upon the containment walls trying to break out as the oxygen was sucked out of the room. Outside Finland, UN and America all stood there watching it all. "It's not- Going to kill him is it?-" Finland said with some concern as he listened to the creature putting up a fight.

"I'm not going to let it." UN would answer as he patiently waited by the panel of controls. Soon it seemed Poland was putting up less of a fight. The sounds died down and the hits on the wall seemed much lighter then they had been before. Eventually the sounds died out altogether with there being a final sound as Poland slid down against the wall. This was when UN decided to step in and proceed to pull out one of the cables he had switched prior. That turned off the suction of the oxygen from the room. Next he put in the code to deactivate the air born danger protocol and the slowly the room opened back up again welcoming the oxygen back into it. Poland lay down on the ground beside a wall taking in long breaths as his body tried to get back the oxygen it had lost. It was safe to say that he no longer posed a threat. For now at least. They would have to act fast if they wanted it to stay that way.

"Right now that's dealt with." UN would say as he took out his phone to make some calls to some of the staff and security so they could contain Poland again. This time they were going to try something more. They couldn't risk the chance of him breaking through again. Next time he might not be stopped in time. People soon came and Poland was restrained, properly sedated then brought elsewhere. America returned to the labs seeming disgruntled that he wasn't the one to save the day and UN and Finland went back on their way to continue doing what they were doing before.

End of chapter

Well I had most of this done for quite a bit but just struggled to do that final part until now. Motivation just tends to come in rare bursts before fading again. I hope this is enough for you for now and I shall try to start on the next.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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