Chapter 1: Jersey

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Chapter One: Brand New Start'

My family recently relocated from Boston to Jersey due to a rare job opportunity my father received at Princeton University. The process of moving was tedious, involving packing, long drives, and the process of settling into our newly purchased home. Adapting to the new environment proved difficult, particularly with the harsh winter weather in Jersey. However, with the arrival of spring, the natural beauty of the area began to reveal itself, with blooming flowers and trees adorned with fresh leaves. I started to appreciate the charm of Jersey.

In early August, I enrolled at Princeton High School. To my delight, I quickly formed several meaningful friendships. Having always had a keen interest in molecular biology, I eagerly immersed myself in the subject at Princeton, studying an abundance of molecular biology and chemistry. While it remained a personal passion, unlikely to be pursued as a profession, I found it fascinating and intellectually stimulating.

As the summer drew to a close and snow began to fall once again, I decided to seek employment to supplement my income. Merely idling away the days no longer sufficed. I secured a job at a local café, working the afternoon shift.

Although the pay could have been better, it provided just enough to afford a few inexpensive t-shirts each month from a store at the mall. Unfortunately, a moment of melancholy caused by my seasonal affective disorder led me to make a hasty decision to quit the job.

In hindsight, quitting the café was not a wise move. As my 18th birthday approached, regrets filled my mind. However, I was reluctant to return and start over at the café. Instead, I resolved to explore other opportunities. After some searching, I stumbled upon a local tutoring center that needed someone proficient in science subjects. This position seemed like the perfect fit, allowing me to combine my fondness for molecular biology with the prospect of assisting others in understanding the complexities of the subject. Nervously, I applied for the position, eagerly awaiting their response.

To my joy, I was offered the role. With renewed enthusiasm, I embraced the responsibility of helping students comprehend intricate scientific concepts and fostering a passion for science within them. This job provided a steady income and a sense of fulfillment that had been absent since leaving my previous employment.

As my 18th birthday grew closer, I discovered that my parents had managed to arrange for my favorite musician to perform at our house. They had even paid a significant sum for him to stay with us for three days. However, in an unfortunate turn of events, my parents had to leave for a business trip during that week. This left me alone at home, with only our family dog Oliver and Will for company.

The impending date filled me with a combination of excitement and nervousness about meeting Will. His music had been a constant presence in my life, and the notion of having him in my house felt surreal. I pondered what he might be like offstage, whether he would possess the same charisma and vibrancy in person.

Anticipation lingered in the air as the day approached. I imagined engaging in casual conversations about his creative process, discussing the inspiration behind his songs, and perhaps sharing a few lighthearted moments. This presented a rare opportunity to connect with someone whose art had become intricately woven into the fabric of my own experiences.

The absence of my parents added an increased sense of responsibility, transforming my home into an intimate stage for this unique encounter. I wondered how Will would adapt to the domestic setting and which facets of his personality would shine through when he was not in the spotlight. I knew that he played characters on stage, and it was unlikely that he would display the same level of charm in person.

In the stillness of the living room, I suddenly noticed a car parked in front of our house. Moments later, the doorbell rang, and I instantly recognized that it was Will. Peering through the window, I caught a glimpse of his tall, strong frame. I could only imagine the beaming smile on my face as I eagerly opened the door and greeted him with enthusiasm.

"Hello!" I exclaimed, unable to contain my excitement.

"Hi, is this the Y/L/N's residence?" he asked politely.

"Yes," I responded, my smile unwavering. My heart raced with exhilaration as I welcomed Will into our home, a mix of nerves and anticipation filling the air.

Little did I know that those three days would mark the beginning of a lifelong bond between us.

Will Wood x (Trans Masculine) Reader: The Edited (Well-Thought out Version)Where stories live. Discover now