Chapter 3: Yes To Err Is Human

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Chapter Three: Yes To Err Is Human

I stepped into the shower, and the warm water cascaded over my body, providing a moment of respite amidst my racing thoughts. I couldn't escape the replay of the evening's events, the presence of Will lingering in my mind like a vivid dream. Steam filled the bathroom, enveloping me in its comforting embrace, yet I couldn't shake the nervous anticipation and arousal that plagued my thoughts. Images of Will in various enticing poses and provocative scenarios infiltrated my mind, tempting and tantalizing. I wrestled with conflicting emotions, trying to reconcile what I felt with what I believed I should feel. The steamy water served as a grounding force, bringing my mind back to reality. My body relaxed, the heat and dizziness dissipated, and the erotic fantasies began to dissipate as well. Determinedly, I finished my shower and emerged from the bathroom, towel wrapped around my waist.

I entered my room and slipped into tight shorts and a baggy T-shirt to conceal my binder. To my surprise, I heard a soft knock on my bedroom door. "Y/N?" Will's voice is barely audible.

"Yeah, sorry. I-I'm tired," I lied, still feeling on edge from my earlier thoughts.

"Not a problem, I get it," he responded, his voice overflowing with understanding. "I can leave if you want."

"No, no, it's alright," I hastily replied, hoping to avoid any awkwardness. I opened the door and met his gaze, apprehension flickering behind my eyes. "What's up?"

"Did I wake you up?" Will inquired, his voice low and gentle.

"N-no, I was just about to sleep," I lied again, unable to meet his gaze. I felt myself growing increasingly intimidated by his presence.

"Uh, I didn't mean to keep you awake," Will admitted, his voice tinged with remorse. "I was just checking in on you."

"Well, good," I forced a smile, attempting to lighten the mood. "I'm not too tired, I guess," I confessed, trying to suppress the blush creeping up my neck and cheeks.

"Oh, I'm sure you're exhausted. I can leave if you want," he offered.

I inhaled sharply at his words, my body stiffening in response. Embarrassment washed over me as I recognized that my body language and the continuous sexual thoughts plaguing my mind were giving away my desires. I desperately wished to forget the whole ordeal and go to bed, but I could not resist the tension between us.

"I mean, I am tired, but not that tired." I stammered, my cheeks burning with embarrassment. The blush spread down my neck and chest, betraying my inner turmoil.

"Good," he smiled, slightly relieved. "Hey, not to sound rude, but are we having dinner?"

"Yeah, I won't leave you starving," I assured him, momentarily averting my eyes from his intense gaze. "What would you like?"

"How about we order something and then get some sleep? It's getting late," he suggested.

I nodded, attempting to regain composure. "Sounds good." I paused, gathering the courage to look up at him directly. "What kind of food would you want?"

"Something simple and cheap," he replied with a shrug.

Consequently, we decided to order pizza, a classic choice that required minimal effort. While waiting for its arrival, Will and I engaged in casual conversation. The initial awkwardness and tension had dissipated, and we found ourselves discussing various topics, ranging from music and life on tour to the quirks of suburban Jersey.

As we shared stories, I discovered that Will encompassed not only immense musical talent but also a down-to-earth nature, making him easy to talk to. The chemistry between us flourished as if we had known each other for much longer than mere hours spent together.

When the pizza arrived, we relocated to the kitchen to enjoy our late-night meal. Amidst the warm ambiance and savory aroma of the room, our conversation flowed effortlessly, allowing us to deepen our connection and understanding. I discovered more about his life, while he learned about mine.

"So, Will," I ventured, breaking the silence that had settled between us. "I've been wondering about something for a while now... Are you gay?"

Caught off guard, he choked on his words. "Oh, uh, um... I, uh..." He coughed, attempting to regain his composure. "I don't think so," he mumbled, his response tinged with uncertainty.

I observed him attentively, sensing his evident embarrassment and hesitancy in answering my question.

"No, I'm not gay," he finally admitted, trying to maintain a conventional facade despite his internal struggle. "I just have a quirky sense of humor... one that might be construed as 'gay'."

I nodded understandingly, as someone openly gay for over five years now. However, I had a nagging feeling that Will was withholding something, hesitant to reveal his true self. He had provided his answer, and I respected his privacy. I chose not to press the matter further, allowing him to maintain his desired level of secrecy.

With the kitchen tidied up, we returned to the comfort of the living room. The clock on the wall reminded us that it was well past midnight, and fatigue began to settle within the depths of our beings.

"I suppose it's time for some shut-eye," Will suggested, stretching his arms above his head, inadvertently revealing a glimpse of his abdomen.

"Yeah, it has been a long day," I agreed, stifling a yawn and feeling the exhaustion slowly creeping in.

Will hesitated for a moment before speaking, "Again, thank you again for allowing me to stay here. It means a lot, especially with your parents away."

"Of course, it's no trouble at all," I replied, genuinely appreciating his company during their absence. "I'm going to head to my room. If you need anything, feel free to ask."

"Will do," he said with a grateful smile. "Goodnight, Y/N."

"Goodnight, Will."

Will Wood x (Trans Masculine) Reader: The Edited (Well-Thought out Version)Where stories live. Discover now