Alex and the shiny thing

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  Alex was bored. The umpteenth “Hero” spouted the umpteenth speech about how they would take her down. “Free the world from her tyranny”,  so dull,
she used to keep count of how many times the heroes would use certain phrases and lines….. but after one of the prismatic bow heroes said the same line as the previous fifteen heroes about how she was a monster, she started to get offended. She was the most gorgeous creature on any planet. Well over six foot, long platinum silver hair, like a wterfall made of starlight held a luminescence all on its own reached her petiet waist. With curves that would drive any sentient being mad with desire. A lovely elfin nose perfect and sharp perched above a set of full lips, naturally blood red. A glint of a white fang poked out eveytume she smiled. Eyes of deepest amethyst glowed with a chaotic malevolence, took in a world that was completely hers. And her bearing reflected that. She was all the more stunning dressed in her customary three piece suit. Today was a white suit coat and slacks (now red). A light amethyst vest with silver brocade And matching tie and pocket square. All this grandure was only slightly marred by the pokemon crocs on her feet. But you know them bitches comfortable.

  The red spandex clad moron infront of her fell silent glaring at Alex as if she murdered his cat. Alex loved cats she would never hurt them. “So…. What did I do again?” She hadn't heard a thing he said. The hero's face turned as red as his suit. That couldn't be healthy. What we're his powers again she thought it had to do with some cosmic quick energy. Really all it was a fancy way of saying he was fast. But speed didn't matter to Alex. No matter what these do-gooders tried she wouldn't lose. That was her current predicament. All the fighting, all the killing, all the slaughter. Too easy, I mean you can't spell slaughter without the laughter. but when she tried to ease her interminable boredom with a couple of children hospital fireworks she couldn't even muster a chuckle. and that was her favorite weekend treat.
    Oh Shit, she thought, I did it again. Luckily the crimson dipstick was still popping a blood vessel shouting about his kid with lukimea, whatever. Alex stomach gave a growl so she decided to wrap things up. “So are you gonna attack me or just stink up the place with that breath of yours” she drawled over the tiraid pouring out of the hero. Just like that the bloody red bitch shut up and raced toward his doom. One second he was standing screaming the next he exploded five feet infront of her. “pfft” snorted Alex all she did was create a solid was of wind circling her body and the moron ran right into it full tilt. Welp bored again. What should I get for lunch?
    Alex felt like Indonesian food, rendang and sate Ayam, from the place down the street from her apartment. She decided to take a shower first, not because she didn't want to cause a scene or anything. Since she didn't have a secret identity and her proclivity for wanton murder and catastrophic destruction. Her walking around covered in blood was little different than not. No she cleaned up because the owner didn't deserve to clean up after her, he made food Alex liked. He was worthy of Alex's recognition....... and she was hungry and didn't feel like dealing with the rodents.
     After securing her prize, Alex made her way to a park down the street to people watch as she ate. The heroes usually left her alone for a few days after she pulped one. So it was a good chance to relax in public while she ate. Well, that and the fact she was projecting a “notice me not” field, so the civies didn't recognize her. Anytime someone looked her way, their mind would fog and get distracted by something else. This was a necessity as even though screams of terror went well with peanut chicken skewers, they did attract annoying pests, and no one liked ants at picnics. She preferred to watch them scuttle about as she ate. Going about their insignificant lives doing things that don't matter in the end. Like an ant farm. Maybe it was time to move on to a new planet, or dimension, or multiverse. This one was getting stale. Not shiny at all. The only good part was the food. But she could just find new things to eat. Actually that sounds pretty exciting. Go on a taste test across the galaxy. She wondered how alien tasted. She had tried human but preferred bacon.of course before she left she would have to destroy this mud ball. Nothing personal or anything it just sounded fun. The only question is how to do it. The possibilities were as infinite as her powers. Contrary to what she let the belive her powers were desire made manifest. Anything she wanted would happen, the hero's thought her abilities were stealing the powers of those she killed. It was funny and put some limiters on her so she went along with it. No fun when she could just wish away any annoyance. Life was about struggle you know? A life with no challenges is soo boring.
   While Alex Was contemplating all the ways she could destroy the earth a particular man caught her eye. He was wearing a pair of beat up sneakers of no determinable brand. Blue jeans a faded
ALESTOROM T-shirt and a brown duster that reached his knees. There wasn't anything impressive about him. He was quite plain. A little on the short side maybe five-eight, and he definitely had a dad bod. Yet she couldn't take her eyes off him. He was walking along the path seemingly wandering aimlessly. At least to less observant people. Alex noticed that whenever he passed by strollers or purses, he would take small bags of treats or tablets. Without missing a beat or a hitch in his stride, the snacks or iPad would vanish within his coat. Alex watched the petty thief steal for around half an hour, when he casually walked to a bench that had been nearly covered by the branches of a huge willow tree. That's when the crying started.

(Hello this is my first fic posted here cause lighthouse is on strike I'll post a few more parts probably. I'll  at least make it to when Alex moves into the apartment. If there's a good reception I'll wright more. My phones dying so I'll stop it here.)

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