Snacks and stories

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Shit shit shit shit shit. Morgan glanced over at the stunning vision of death and dismemberment that appeared beside him. Yup still there, Morgan knew he was gonna die. He reached into his stealing coat and pulled out a baggie of goldfish and one of chocolate candies mixed them together and tentatively proffered it to the monster next to him. With a smile that would launch a thousand ships and a perfectly manicured hand that killed as many men. Alex reached into the proffered treat and sampled the concoction. With a squeak she nabbed it and started eating with zeal. Morgan thought the monster was very cute. At least he still had a few seconds of life left and he got to go out doing one of his most favorite pastimes. Causing minor inconveniences on a large scale. So he smiled, gave a little laugh and looked at his doom. “So what's the only rank S, super villain doing in a place like this?” Was she going to kill a bunch of kids? Oh that was going to be hard to get out of his head. Cries and tantrums are one thing but screams of terror are another. Morgan couldn't finish Complete Alloy Thaumaturgist, episode four traumatized him. Shou Tucker was on his exception list for people to murder. Along with . Morgan noticed Alex was looking at him, shit how long was he out. He tended to drift off in thought and travel down paths of thought experimenting with probabilities…. and he was doing it again "Im sorry, what was that?” Alex had said something. 

With a little smirk “what's the point of doing this” gesturing at the screaming children. The little man was strangely adorable with his vacant stare and complete disregard for his life. “Also what's S class mean?” Alex had finished the chocolates and crackers and was eyeing Morgan's bag of pretzels which he promptly handed over. Pleased with the offering Alex dug in thinking about summoning a drink when a juice box appeared not by her will but by Morgan slipping it out of a hidden pocket. Alex was struck by a sudden wave of surprise. No had treated her with such kindness since her parents had died. Sure she had been waited on hand and foot, but that was out of fear and self preservation. Alex could tell that Morgan had just simply thought she might have been thirsty. A strange feeling started to well up within her chest.

After handing Alex the juice Morgan thought on the question. “Well if you're gonna do something…. Do something fun,  right? Most heroes and citizens live their lives with a sense of purpose that they are contributing to something beyond themselves. When in reality it doesn't matter. The trash collector might contribute to the cleanliness of the park but mindless drones and screaming crotch-goblins will never notice his worth. Yet if he skips and lets the filth accumulate he would be reviled and scorned. In the end what does his “contribution” do for him besides put a little cash in his wallet? Jack Shit, even the so-called paragons of virtue known as heroes acts and triumphs are worthless. Yes they get accolades and wealth, lovers and power. How empty they must feel. All that strength and forced smiles  they show the world while they beat their children and scream at their spouse. Fucking hypocrites.” Morgan paused to replenish his and Alex's snacks and juice. Morgan drained a grape juice box and continued. I’ve found through much trial and error, that sapient beings find joy and wholeness in small aspects of everyday life. And if you seek these things that will fill your life with that joy. It doesn't matter if it's something that society will look down upon. Not that you give a fuck about that, but even villians live by a stigma I an image they try to project. Sometimes to their detriment…. In short who fucking cares what those bastards think, I'm gonna steal candy from children cause I think it's funny.” Morgan punctuated his tirade by popping an oreo into his mouth.

Alex soaking in this seemingly obvious and played out philosophy when she really thought about how she presented herself. Always as the monster always the badass no weakness no faults…. besides the mass murderer thing but like what super wasn't at this point. “Did you just Rule:32 me?” Alex quipped looking at the strange little man. Who only smirked and threw her a twinkie. “So, Tallahassee What would you suggest a  genocidal maniac do with her considerable power and limitless free time?”

“Well…. Have you tried puzzles, those are fun. Maybe take over a country but not as you know…. You. But win through honest campaigns and popularity only to reveal it was you all along. I've got a friend who makes wonderful Inators. Have you tried being a kooky villain before? There's an agency that sends trained animals wearing hats to foil you. You get to pet them sometimes……” as Morgan went On and on about platypus and fedoras Alex couldn't help but to stare at this frumpy little man. who was just so captivating and full of life. Alex wanted what Morgan had. Not a purpose exactly but meaning. Something to wake up for, she needed to be around Morgan more so she could figure it out. She tuned back in just as Morgan said “like just today a tenant at my apartment complex refused to pay their rent so I set up an elaborate torture chamber out of the unit. When I get back some of my guys will have already moved the husk to a holding cell under the place for interrogation. Where I'm gonna-” 

  “Wait!” Alex cut in “You're looking for a tenant?”

“Well I'm going to have to untrap the unit and clean up all the past dudes stuff.. but yeah I plan to fill that vacancy” suddenly a massive explosion rocked the uptown area Morgan jumped to his feet startled looking toward the disturbance and saw a mushroom cloud rose over the city. 

Alex gave Morgan a stunning smile and said with a glint of a playful fang. “Well I just so happen to need a new apartment

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12 ⏰

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