1. my girls

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Context: Episode 58 scene addition - what happens after the camera pans out from MeeraSim's room. Originally posted on Twitter on July 6th (https://twitter.com/misskaahaani/status/1677147189972291584?s=20)


The moon was a silent voyeur in the sky, casting its silvery beams on Meerab and Murtasim, intertwined in their own world on the sofa in their room. Their gazes were latched onto each other, twin windows into their souls, devouring each other's presence to make up for the months they had missed. 

 A wave of gratitude, so profound it brought tears to her eyes, swept through Meerab. Standing up, Meerab held out her hand to Murtasim, her eyes locking with his. In silent agreement, he let her lead him to the bed, the very one that had been empty of her presence for almost two years. He could still remember the day her scent had completely faded from the sheets. It was the day he had abandoned the bed, refusing to lay on it for even a nap, the cold emptiness it bore had been too painful. 

 But now that very same bed seemed neither cold, nor empty. For in it lay his daughter, her brown eyes twinkling with curiosity and joy, her chubby fingers ceaselessly exploring the texture of the silk duvet. 

 With a soft giggle, Meerab drew Meesam into the middle of the bed, nestling the baby between her and Murtasim. As if sensing the gravity of the moment, Meesam seemed oddly still, the soft contours of her mother's body providing a reassuring backdrop as she focused her attention on Murtasim. 

 She was smiling at him, her eyes flickering over his face slowly as she gnawed on her own hand, covering it with drool. 

 "How old is she?" Murtasim's voice was barely a whisper. His eyes were riveted on the infant who was an uncanny resemblance of Meerab, down to the twinkle in her eyes, the shape of her rosy cheeks, and the curve of her small, chubby lips. Yet, there were glimpses of him too. 

 "Fifteen months." Meerab whispered, a bittersweet smile gracing her lips. Seeing the confusion flitting in his eyes, she explained. "She was born premature, at seven months." 

The confused look that crossed Murtasim's face was swiftly replaced by a dawning comprehension. Murtasim shifted his gaze to Meerab, his eyes reflecting a sadness that was palpable. "It must have been hard to go through all of that alone." He murmured, the depth of his regret reverberating in his tone. 

 She hadn't given him a choice though. 

 Tears welled up in Meerab's eyes as she shrugged, trying to act nonchalant. "I made my choice...I lived through it." Yet, the undercurrent of guilt remained, festered and brought to surface by the haunted look in Murtasim's eyes. 

 "Why didn't you tell me?" Murtasim's question hung in the air, fragile and poignant, exposing the raw vulnerability between them. 

"With everything that happened...with us, with Haya...with Rohail...I thought you wouldn't - that I'd come back and you'd question if she was even yours." Meerab's voice faltered as she confessed her deepest fear. 

 The room fell quiet except for Meesam's soft babbling, her small hands reaching out to her mother's face, repeating the one word she knew well. "Mama...Mama..." Each sound seemed to soften the heavy atmosphere. 

 Murtasim heaved a sigh, regret tinging his features. He couldn't deny the possibility that he might have doubted Meerab in his anger, only to be overwhelmed by regret later. 

 He shifted his gaze back to Meesam who was watching him, her big eyes full of innocent curiosity. "Does she say much else?" He asked, the playful tone a marked contrast to the serious conversation they were having. 

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