Olivia- Chapter 10

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I stumble onto the stars of my apartment and stand before my door. I lose my balance and crash into the door. "Ouch!"

Leaning back again, I open my purse and search for my keys.
"God dammit, where are you."

Suddenly the door opens from inside and when I look up I see Maxwell.

He goes to the side so that I can come in.
I stumble inside: "Thank you- I think I lost my keys. I would have slept on the stairs without you."

I hear how the door closes behind me. I sit down and take off my shoes.

"I'm sorry Olivia." I hear a small voice.

I look up and see him standing there with an expression of embarrassment.
"I shouldn't have done that. I was out of my mind, I know that's not an excuse but-"

"It's okay." I stand up and make my way over to him barefoot. I stand before him and my hands find his cheeks. Staring into his eyes and breathing loudly.

"I know that this- what you did was horrible. And I was scared so bad. But I think you had your reasons. What was wrong with you? What happend that you had to do such a thing?"

He's silent. "Oh Olivia-" his voice disappeared and I see tears in his eyes.

I quickly hug him so tightly. My arms wrapped around him and he hugs me back. His arms now around me and his head sniffing on my shoulder.

He's sorry. And I accept it.

A good 5 minute hug, we stand there in the hallway. I will not forget what he did to me, but I can see that he is sorry. I love him, so I forgive him.

"Come on, it's late. Let's go to bed."

I break the hug apart and he smiles at me.
"Thank you for forgiving me."

I smile at him and take his hand as we both go into our bedroom.

I take off my dress and hang it in the closet.

"Where did you get that? It's beautiful."
"I found it in a shop for only 40£- so I just had to take it."

I lied. When I would say the truth, he wouldn't be happy. And I just got back to him, so this has to wait.

I strap my bra down and take an oversized T-shirt from him and put it over my head.
Just in my string tanga and T-shirt I lay myself in the bed. He is already in the bed and waiting for me.

"You are so sexy." He tells me.
I chuckle. "Wanna see more?"

He looks at me with a grin and makes his way over to me. Kissing me deeply. I needed that. A kiss from him. The man that I love.

His hands now on my face and in my hair. His tongue in my mouth and I taste alcohol. We break apart breathing hard.

We both talk at the same time.
"You taste-
"Did you-

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