Chapter Four.

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Chapter Four.


“Well. . . this is something.” I state looking around the rundown motel. Even the sign is crooked and I can't even tell the name of this place. It's not that bad, but for me who was born into luxury and married into luxury it is that bad.
The place looks like if robbers came here, they wouldn't have a struggle entering the rooms. The roof looks like it's gonna fall off if the storm is raging strong enough. There are stray animals all over the compound and let's not talk about how dirty the place looks.
But something that I have learnt the last almost two years I have had to work three jobs and barely had enough, is that anything is better than being homeless.
And now knowing these three, I know this is better than that abandoned building they had been camping at, waiting for me to show up.
I open the door to the room and it's just what I expected. In respect for us ladies, Nicholas had us go through about five motels before this one just to get two separate rooms even though we have to share beds. Tell me about a gentleman.
“You should rest up. We start studio hunting tomorrow.” He says and I furrow my brows.
“Why?” I ask.
“Because Flower, we have to record an album to present to the record labels.” He explains it as if he is talking to a toddler. I nod, trying not to seem fazed by his proximity. He brings his hand up and tucks my hair behind my ear. I hold my breath and he looks between my eyes before placing my glasses on top of my forehead. He smells, manly. Not sweaty or dirty, just a musky woody, manly smell.
“Don't wear contacts, your eyes are beautiful.” Then before I can reply or even remember how to breath, he's pulled away and I find myself pulled in the room myself before the door shuts behind me.
“The sexual tension between you two is giving. . .” I finally inhale deeply before exhaling. Then I turn to Curly. I don't think I have ever felt breathless for a man. Not even my ex. Maybe it's something to do with those caramel eyes that steal all my sanity.
“Giving what?" I ask as I fan myself with my hands because it's suddenly very hot.
“Really? It's a thing. It does not have to give anything. It's just giving. I mean why do I even try? You guys don't get anything I say!” Then she groans into the pillow before she starts coughing. I chuckle.
“I brought some pillow cases with me. I can share, if you will help me get my luggage from the van.” I say in a sing song voice.
“Ok. I sense a bribe.” She narrows her eyes.
“There are even some bedsheets.” She moves towards the edge of the bed slowly.
“This is getting good. What else?” She is now eagerly listening.
“I think I even brought some really comfortable pajamas and an extra blanket—” she gets up.
“Ok. Sold. Let's go. When you are traveling with men, you tend to act like them and now after two years the only thing I carry around is a duffel bag with very minimal clothes.” She breaths as we head to the van and am curious how she ended up with these two grown ass men.
“So,” I start.
“I ran away from home. Stole from Nico and he caught me. Something about, you can't steal from a thief. And since then, I stuck by his side.” She explains even before I can ask.
“Steal? Thief?” Am confused though. Even though they live in the crappiest of places none of this people look like thieves or like they could harm anyone for anything.
“Umm, it's a lot. I can't say too much about it but I can tell the basics. So basically,” she pauses huffing. “What do you have in these things?” I look at the suitcase.
“My whole house.” I tell her and her eyes grow wide when she sees am not kidding. “What? Am a hoarder for some reason. I can't let go of stuff. Especially if I know am not returning to Arizona soon, I had to pack everything.” I smile and start pulling one suitcase while she pulls the other.
“I guess I understand.” She nods and I open the door. I want her to continue whatever she was saying because am curious but I also don't want her to to think am too curious.
We unzip them and she smiles.
“You are awesome.”  She sits on the floor and throws her feet in the air giggling and I just watch her before I begin unpacking the fresh sheets.
“Do you think the guys need them?” I ask and she snorts.
“You're serious.” I nod. “Don't bother. They are probably knocked out by now. They really don't care.” She says and switches the pillowcases.
I unmake the whole bed and I want to puke but I just hold it in.
“But that reminds me. I wanted to apologize.” I frown. Where did this come from all of a sudden?
“For what we're making you go through and probably what's about to come.” I tilt my head, pausing from my actions.
“I don't understand.” I place my hands on my waist.
“As I said, I can only tell you the basics, so here we go. Nico grew up in the streets and had to fend for himself since he was young. He didn't go to school, couldn't afford it and not everyone sees what we see in him. He had to do all kinds of things to survive but don't worry, killing wasn't one of them. His only friend, Jonny helped him to learn how to read and write until, he moved and they got separated when he was fifteen. They only recently reconnected and only because of music are they able to be together on this journey. Then when he got the offer from our contractor to come here, he found another girl. She unfortunately got into an accident and we needed a lead singer for this whole thing. Then we decided to go visit Jonny's nonna who told us that there was a pretty girl at Fortress with an angelic voice and so we came after her, you. Then when we went back, Jonny's family kicked us out claiming we were dirt, especially Nico. So we had to search for another place and then you were there and now here we are.” My first emotion is sadness. I want to cry. Then I want to give that man called Nicholas, a hug. And then I want to cry some more and then go to Jonny's nonna's place and beat their asses.
“I want to do it too.” Her voice pulls me out of my trance. She nods at my arms and am fisting a sheet in my hands. A deadly grip like the one I wanna strangle my ex in.
“Am sorry.” I let go of it and bring my hands up. I shed some tears unknowingly as it turns out.
“It's fine. So if you feel uncomfortable in any way, please bear with us until. . . probably next month.” She smiles sadly and I clear my throat. But the lump is still present. So I just smile, nod and continue making the bed. But I can't sleep, not tonight and not for the next few nights.
And don't get me wrong, I do not pity the guy. Well maybe I do, just a little though. My heart just swells for him. I mean, he turned out a very strong man, with ambition and dreams and not many people who have been through what he's been through would turn out the way he did. I for one wouldn't. I would let the darkness consume me and do drugs as well as anything to rid me of the pain but not Nicholas. The guy doesn't even have tattoos. Am not saying a few days with him makes me an expert on him, no, but he's a good man. For even this twenty two year old fiery girl to stick around him, I believe he is good. Not the stealing part but you get what I mean. But am not that innocent either. Desperation leads people to do some things they're not proud of.
But I'd rather be here than begging my mother for help or fighting in court- with money I don't have- to get half of that shitty man's wealth. My ego is way above that, I also am out of strength and the house I would have gotten, I burnt it down, with a bunch of cars inside. Expensive ones.
I turn, careful not to wake up the sleeping beauty next to me and stare at the ceiling. I can see through the poorly drawn, barely fitting curtains that it's still dark outside. Curly pulls alittle closer to me and I bring my hand around her. She is like the little sister I never had now. My mother only wanted one kid who now wants nothing to do with her. So I never experienced the sibling love-hate relationship. The only people I saw most of my childhood were tutors and music instructors. I knew how to sing before I could learn to walk. My father wanted other children and of course when I was about ten he asked me if I wanted more siblings.
Of course I wanted more kids in the estate. So we made a deal. He had met another woman who didn't care only about her career and reputation over family and actually wanted a family and our plan was to run away together and live happily ever after without that dictator of a woman in our lives.
Then a month later, my father and 'mistress' were found dead in some river. That was according to the housekeeper. My mother didn't let me watch Tv. I was young back then, couldn't comprehend it but when I grew older I started realizing that my father was not the only one. Everyone who proved a liability to her would vanish or be found dead. Even her own family. She wanted me to take her place in the music industry when I was twenty  but that was just when I was on cloud nine in love with Marcus and I couldn't even listen to her. She warned me, told me I was about to make the biggest mistake of my life but I just packed my bags, cussed her out and eloped.
Helped a man built an emperor then kick me out of his life for his secretary and he took away the only thing keeping me alive. I have thought about going back to my mother, ask for forgiveness and pretend to care about her record label until I get my daughter back and then burn it all but the last time I burnt something, I ended up loosing more. I exhale loudly.
We didn't bring out the snacks out of the van. Even the water is still there. I move quietly and get up. I walk out and towards the van only to find someone already in it. This van looks something out of a movie set. With a lot of things and the faded blue colour, it's something. I learnt it's important to Nicholas, the first thing he ever owned, it's his baby, his home. That's why he is the only one who drives it. Curly can't drive and Jon, Jon is something else. He will make you want to walk instead of letting him take the wheel, even though he has a license.
He hasn't noticed me yet so I hide beside it and listen. He's playing his guitar, humming. It's old, brown, rusty but it's his. It's probably as old as the van but it still produces sound. I smile closing my eyes and enjoying the melody in the morning breeze and am sure the sun is about to rise. Then it stops and I sigh opening my eyes only for him to be in front of me.
“What the. . .” I want to check the back of the van in case this is a ghost situation.
“The next time you want to sneak up on someone, you should quieten your footsteps. I heard you the moment you stepped out of your room.” I look down at my sandals. Damn you!
“I wasn't sneaking up on you. I just wanted to get some water and didn't want to interrupt you.” I blink and without speaking he walks over to the van open door and grabs something before handing it to me. A water bottle.
“Thanks.” I say.
“You should go back and get some more sleep.” I huff and pout.
“I can't. I can't. . .sleep.” I whine and then slap my hand over my mouth. There is no way I am the one who just made that sound. He chuckles.
“Ok. Do you want to take a walk then? I can tell you everything you need to know about the band.” He asks and I nod vigorously.
“I'd love to.” I grin and walk to where he is standing.
And for the first time in a long time I don't have thoughts of burning or strangling something or someone. I am only thinking one thought as we take a walk.
Would it be weird if I held his hand?

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