Chapter Six.

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Chapter Six.


It is finally time to begin.
Begin the three year plan. I am nervous of course but I think Eloise and Jonny are even more nervous. I can't speak for Flower, she barely knows what we're doing behind this cover-up of getting signed. I will be surprised if we get signed by anyone but it would probably be painful for her, to an extent. Eloise messed with the tunes and I will say she did her damage.
“So who are we targeting again?” Flower asks and I turn to her.
“A good time for you. Also, see that man over there? He owns this hotel. You could try to convince him to get us a. . . room?” I smile and she takes a second.
“So, you are using me to get a room?” She looks around. “I am not that type of woman Nicholas.” I sigh, rubbing my head. I think am too stressed to even think of anything other than the plan.
“Am sorry, I didn't mean it like that. I just wanted you to. . .nevermind. I am just going to make it worse. Just have fun and relax. You have done enough.” I tell her and smile, before I walk away and dial the number.
“Is it done?” She asks. This woman does think she is the boss of me. I can't wait to finish this thing and be free from everyone and everything.
“No. There are four that are not in attendance.” I say looking around.
“And? Won't they show up?” She asks. She is whispering.
“No. I hear word that there's beef going on among the ten. So they won't show up.” I tell her and look over the railing at the party going on below.
“What about the rest? Have you reached them?” She whispers again.
“ Yes. Jonny and Eloise are on it. Don't worry, I will get the rest.” I look around and spot Flower who is now talking to the guy I had told her earlier. She is smiling ear to ear. I guess I know her type.
“Am counting on it. You do remember what's at risk, not only for me but also for you.” I nod and am about to reply when I hear a voice on her end of the line.
“Who are you talking to?” I hear shuffling before she says.
“I'll see you tomorrow Candace. Talk to you later.” And the call ends.
Candace? Do I look like a Candace? I stare at my phone for a second too long that I don't see the woman approaching me until she's in front of me.
“Well hello, handsome boy.” I am startled and almost drop my phone.
I look up and the woman in front of me is a white lady probably at the age of late fifties, early sixties. Or older, I am really bad at rating people's ages. She is also reaching for my blazer's buttons.
“Hello ma'am.” I bow my head slightly and attempt to walk away before she blocks my way.
“Are you just going to walk away from me? Do you know who I am?” She brings her hand up to my jaw and starts lowering her finger. This is disgusting in more ways than one. I hold her finger in my hand and smile gently.
“Then tell me,” I tell her, maintaining my distance.“Who are you?” The faster I get done with her the better but I can't risk making an enemy out of these people when I haven't completed my assignment. Also the fact that she might be an influencial  person who I might run into in the future, wouldn't want to mess that up.
So she goes on to talk on and on about what she does, who she is and I just tune her out until she just gets tired of talking and someone pulls her away from me. 
I walk down the steps to where the party is in full bloom and try to locate Jonny and Eloise. Then I see the curly headed beauty talking to a guy. I approach her and excuse myself for interrupting.
“Thanks God. I was dying here.” She sighs and I nod.
“You are welcome. So did you do it?” I ask and she nods.
“Yeah. It was easy to hand over the disks since there are some other people like us that are here. Now we just wait until they activate the virus planted in the disks and we will have all the information we need.” I nod.
“Though I don't get it, I trust you enough. Thank you, for taking your time to just go on this crazy mission with me.” She smiles.
“Please. You saved my life. The least I could do is help you save yours.” She winks before walking away. I continue to search Jonny but instead of finding him I bump into another woman. Oh hell no! Not here.
“Nicholas? Is that really you?” I want to run away but instead I smile. Might as well pretend to own the suit am wearing and be a man.
“Yeah, and you are?” She seems pained for a second before smiling.
“It's really been that long? I didn't realize it. Anyway you remember Cathy right?” I pretend to be surprised and gasp. They said only girls can pretend? I am here to prove them wrong. She is the woman who broke me first. I can't believe she actually has the nerve to stand in front of me after all the hurtful words she said.
“Seriously?” I even look around. “Cathy? Wow! I never thought I'd see you ever again. You've. . . changed.“ I tell her and she smiles. “Did you do something to your hair?” I really don't care about her hair but the best remedy for evil people is showing them how unaffected you are even though they hurt you. She chuckles.
“You noticed?” She flips her brown hair behind her shoulder. I want to tell her I didn't but I am not that cruel. “My husband doesn't notice it.” I nod. So she's married. Again, that diamond ring isn't there for fun. I feel the urge to steal it, it would probably cost a lot and would help me heal from the trauma caused by the woman standing in front of me, smiling like she's an angel.
“Husband?” I pretend to be curious but instead I look around for anyone to save me out of this mess.
“Yes. I got married to the love of my life two years ago. ” She says and I smile, grabbing a drink from the waiter passing by. The love of her life who doesn't notice her hair. How befitting.
“Congratulations.” I tell her and bring the glass to my lips before it is grabbed out of my hand. I turn to the thief.
“Honey, I thought we agreed. This is your big night and I am the only one who is celebrating.” She downs the drink and am not the only one who's speechless. “What is in this things. I swear they all taste like water.” She places the glass on the table and looks up. She looks wasted. How many minutes ago did I leave her with that guy? I support her as she stumbles.
“Careful.” I whisper and she smiles at me. How much did she have to drink? Before I can ask, someone clears her throat. We both turn to her.
“So, aren't you going to introduce us?” She asks and I raise my brows.
“Ummm, Cathy, Flow— Mika. Mika, Cathy.” I introduce them. I want this to be over as soon as possible.
“Hi, he forgot to add that we are married.” I see the confusion on Cathy's face and she is not the only one. I just can't show it.
“But. . .” She looks at our hands.“ You don't have rings.” She smiles, a fake smile. I guess I should thank Flower for this later. I love seeing the look of disappointment on the woman's face.
“Yeah, that's just overrated. We eloped and are very happy together.” She smiles and Cathy swallows. “Oh by the way honey, who is she?” She tries to whisper but her whisper is so loud she hears it.
“We dated. Back when I was young.” She snorts.
“Oh! Is she the one you told me about?”She asks and then chuckles. “Oh no. I remember her name was Brianna. Ok, if you dated then I should be thanking her.” She stretches her hand out.
“Thank you Cassie. Thank you for leaving this man so I could find him. He really is the best husband and father.” Cathy looks surprised and pulls her hand from Flower's. Too bad for her am -fake- taken. Also that name, it's not Cathy's but I know someone by the name.
“Well, congratulations. But if you will excuse me, I have to look for my husband.” She walks away.
“So is she the one who made you believe you can never find someone to spend the rest of your life with?” I don't reply. I think the silence speaks for itself but she misinterprets it. “I messed up, didn't I? I shouldn't have interrupted. I should have just stayed away and waited for her to leave but she looks like a bitch and I thought you needed help, am sorry I inte—” I cut her off.
“Flower, breath. Breath.” She inhales deeply. “What happened? Why are you so drunk?” I ask and she just chuckles.
“I upgraded us.” She brings up a card and I smile.
“You really are something. Now come on. Let's find the rest before we meet someone else who will ruin our moods.” I intertwine our hands and walk through the crowds.
I look at the key card I grabbed from her and it's a suite. I know because sometime back I worked in one of these classy hotels as the person who pulled and pushed the cart with bags. Also, it's written on the back of the card. I look back at Flower. She looks tired and drunk and am sure her heels are killing her. I sigh. I will take her to the room and come back to find the rest. I lead her out of the room and into the hallway. The elevator is just steps ahead of us and I pull her gently to it but she pulls back, hard and I almost bump into her.
“Whoa!” I stop in front of her. She really is strong for a drunk woman.
“Can you help me? The shoes. I don't like them.” I huff and smile at how cute she looks with her eyes half closed and her lips pouted. I want to kiss her.
What?! I lift my hand and rub my neck. This is bad. I kneel on one leg and she places her heel on my leg. I untie the lace, making sure I don't look above it and just focus on untying the lace. It doesn't help that the dress she is wearing has slits on both legs. I swallow and do it as fast as I could and then stand. Without uttering a word, she walks to the elevator and presses the button. I pick the shoes and follow her, waiting, in silence.
Until she speaks up.
“I saw her.” I want to ask who but she continues. “You know, I thought that after all these years, how many? Almost ten years she'd be at least happy to see me alive and well but she pretended to not know me. Her own daughter! I am her daughter for fuck's sake.” She hits the wall next to the elevator doors.
“All she said was, ‘you look like you could use some protein in you’ and then left. Uggghh! I wanna strangle her. Or burn her house too. Or he precious company that she cares so much about!” Some people pass behind us and I  just smile apologetically.
“Am I crazy?” The doors open and I walk in after her. “Do I seem crazy for just wanting the tiniest bit of affection from my own birth mother? I mean if my daughter made a mistake and then came back, I would forgive her. Not caring about anything that happened. I would just be glad to see her. To see her come back to her home. To me, who cares for her and loves her.” At this point she is sniffling and I don't know what to do other than just be there, next to her.
“My daughter. . . My daughter. I miss her. I miss her so much Nico. If you ever feel like you want to have kids, look for a good woman. And I know, am younger than you but, just listen.” She sniffs. I look down at her crouched position then at the numbers going up on top of the elevator.
“As I was saying, find a good woman. Have kids with her and make sure you treat her well. The kids too. And never separate her from the kids, because it hurts. Even if she betrays your trust, beats you up or burns your house, just allow her to see her kids more than three days a month. It is so painful to drink on a Wednesday night while you are a mother and you have no idea how your kid is doing.” The elevator opens up and for a second, I debate on whether to help her walk on her feet or carry her but I just sigh and pick her up. She is full on hiccuping as tears flow freely down her cheeks.
“Come on, let's get you to bed.” I tell her and she nods lying on my chest. Then she starts drawing circles on my chest which is not very comfortable considering the suite is the last on the hallway.
“You have such a nice chest.” She breaths and I tighten my hold on her and we finally reach room 909. I open the door and rush to put her down. She stumbles alittle before regaining her stance while grabbing my arm.
“Wow! This better than I expected.” She walks around and I start walking back to the door.
“You should get some rest. I'll go look for the rest and come back.” I tell her but I hear no reply so I turn and then turn away immediately.
“What? Never seen a naked woman before?” She chuckles and I hurriedly walk away. Then I pause in the hallway. What if some stranger entered the room and found her like that? I clench and unclench my fists before making a U-turn for the room.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23 ⏰

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