Summer break

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Hello there boys and girls I hope that all of you are having a good day today and are ready to read the next chapter of my Yugioh GX story which I hope that you are all as exited to read as I am enjoying writing it for you, you know I think this story has to be in my top three best story's to write for all of you people. Now instead of a question of the day I have more of an announcement and that is as I am writing this story I will also be writing the sequel of this story so when this story is done you will have another Yugioh story ready for you guys and girls. Now with that all said and done let's get on with the story shall we.


Stepping out of the helicopter I smiled when I saw dad again and rushed over to him with my hands out and wrapped them around him as he wrapped his arms around me.

Y/n:"I have missed you so much dad!"

I then looked at him with a big smile on my face as he looked back at me with a smile on his face.

Pegasus:"It is good to see you as well y/n, my boy, I am glad to see that you are doing well after your first year of duel academy."

Y/n:"don't worry dad, we were fine in the end, Jaden was able to beat the sacred beasts."

Then we let go of each other as Fugaku came out of the helicopter since he had asked me if he could spend the summer here, after what he told me back at the abandoned dorm about what his life with his family or mom, I felt like I should at least ask dad if he could.

Pegasus:"And this must be your friend Fugaku that I have heard so much about, I hope the trip here was not to much of a bother."

Fugaku:"no it was fine, and thank you for letting me stay here, I hope I am not an inconvenience."

Pegasus:"not at all, I am just glad that I can meet another one of y/n friends."

Fugaku, then walked over to us holding his bag with some of his clothes in it but dad, then tapped me on my shoulder.

Pegasus:"to tell the truth I was glad you brought a friend with you, I will need to leave for the headquarters for a few days."

Y/n:"anything serious?"

Pegasus:"no, nothing like that it is just some emergency meeting about nothing, don't worry, I have had the chef prepare a meal for us."

Then we were guided inside the castle and when I looked at Fugaku, he looked like he was surprised about the castle, did he think that talk about me living in a castle was exaggerated? As we continued to make our way deeper and deeper into the castle I decided I would ask him how he was doing.

Y//n:"is there something wrong Fugaku?"

He turned to look at me she shook his head side to side.

Fugaku:"no, it is just a little bit surprising to see just how much your family has."

Y/n:"Doesn't your family also own a mansion?"

Fugaku:"yeah, but even with that this place is still one step up from that, do the duel fields scattered all over the island still work"?

Y/n:"well, some were taken down but most of them still work, how come, were you hoping to duel on them?"

Fugaku:"Kind of, I just kind of want to have a look at them since this is one of the few places you can see the first holographic duel monster battle field."

Y/n:"well, if you were hoping to see the ones that the king of games played on some of them were the ones that were taken down."

Fugaku:"who did he duel on those fields?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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