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As Alexandra's consciousness stirred from the depths of darkness, she found herself in a strange, white room bathed in an ethereal glow. Blinking in confusion, she noticed a small duck perched nearby, its feathers shimmering with an otherworldly light.

To her astonishment, the duck spoke, its voice echoing softly in the serene atmosphere of the room. "Greetings, Alexandra," it quacked, its tone surprisingly calm and composed. "I have come to offer you a second chance at life."

Alexandra's eyes widened in disbelief at the unexpected sight before her. She couldn't fathom how a talking duck could hold such power, nor what had brought her to this surreal place. But amidst her bewilderment, a spark of curiosity ignited within her.

"A second chance?" Alexandra repeated, her voice tinged with both uncertainty and hope. "What's the catch?"

The duck regarded her with a wise gleam in its eyes, its beak curling into a small smile. "Ah, you're a sharp one, Alexandra," it quipped. "There is indeed a catch, but it is one of your own making. You must choose how you will use this second chance wisely, for the path you take will shape your destiny."

Alexandra's brow furrowed in thought as she considered the duck's words. She knew that second chances were rare and precious gifts, but she also understood that they came with great responsibility.

"What do you mean?" she asked, her voice laced with curiosity and apprehension. "What must I do to earn this second chance, and what will become of me if I accept?"

The duck nodded sagely, its gaze steady and unwavering. "That, my dear Alexandra, is for you to decide," it replied cryptically. "But remember, the choices you make will echo through eternity."

As Alexandra's heart raced with anticipation, she dared to voice the question that had been burning in her mind since the moment she woke up in the mysterious white room. "Can I go back to my regular life?" she asked the duck, her voice trembling with uncertainty.

The duck regarded her with a thoughtful expression, its eyes reflecting the weight of Alexandra's request. After a moment of contemplation, it nodded slowly. "Yes, Alexandra, you may return to your regular life," it quacked, its voice gentle yet firm. "But first, you must share with me one thing you have learned about humanity during your time on Earth."

Alexandra's mind raced as she considered the duck's condition. What lesson had she learned that was profound enough to satisfy the duck's request? After a moment of reflection, she spoke, her voice filled with conviction.

"Humanity is selfish," she began, her words measured and deliberate. "They claim to want world peace, but their actions betray their true desires. They covet power and wealth, often at the expense of others. They start wars in pursuit of their own ambitions, never satisfied with what they have. And yet, despite their flaws, there is still hope for redemption."

The duck listened intently to Alexandra's words, nodding in agreement as she spoke. "A profound observation, Alexandra," it quacked, its voice filled with wisdom. "Indeed, humanity is capable of both great cruelty and great kindness. It is up to each individual to choose which path they will follow."

The duck then asks Alexandra whether she still believes that they can change, given how horribly they treated her. As Alexandra stood before the enigmatic duck, its gaze piercing and unwavering, she felt a wave of uncertainty wash over her. The question posed by the duck struck at the very core of her beliefs, stirring a whirlwind of conflicting emotions within her.

She paused, her mind racing as she grappled with the weight of the question. Memories of past hurts and betrayals flashed before her eyes, each one a painful reminder of the darkness that lurked within humanity. The countless times she had been ostracized and mistreated for simply being different weighed heavily on her heart, casting a shadow over her faith in the inherent goodness of people.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25 ⏰

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