TAKEN (pilot)

17 1 0

Why do bad things happen to decent people, like me
I've been trying really hard recently and now this happens to me!?
I've been kidnapped

"Be safe Noah" Cole, my brother says "yea of course" I pull him in for a hug and sneak the cigarettes out of his back pocket into my sleeve

"I'll see you soon!" I yell walking out the front door, finally I'm getting to be by myself for a while, ever since my mom and dad have been gone Cole has been around me 24/7, he's waiting for me to fall through the cracks

So am I to be honest, but they left so they can get FUCKED!

anyhoo I'm super excited to get cheesy fries after a smoke, hopefully Cole is not mad about the cigarettes, but oh well


Ahh, those fries were too tasty oh my goodness

I'm right now leaning on a dirty ass lamppost smoking my blunt you already know the deal, but Jesus there is a lot of noise going on, oh god I think there has been a murder there homicide investigation cars there

About 5mins later I'm starting to walk toward the apartment but I hear a car come way to close to me and I Turn and get hit by a black van with full force and I let out a cry

I hear a groan come from the inside of the van then multiple doors open and then feet coming towards me

Ouchie, what the hellllll

"It's a little girl" excuse me!?, little girl for they're information I am 5'2 and 19 years old also I have my big girl pants on and I'm gonna smack them in the freaking face

But...."Ouch" is all I'm able to get out of my mouth, I look up and see four grown ass men staring at me in all different ways

One looks absolutely horrified, one looks disgusted another is looking at my boobies they are probably falling out my shirt right now, I hope he's enjoying the show- ew....i pull my shirt cover myself

The fourth man looks completely unfazed, there is a little bit of something in his gaze but I can't find any form of expression for it

"Shit we don't have out masks on" a hear one of the men call out

"Fuck...quick get in the van!" Another guy says and they all scramble into the van and I speeds away

What the flipping flopping flying fuck?


"You fucking stole my cigarettes then come back and tell me a bull shit story about getting hit by a van full of guys who you think killed the guy in the hotel across the street?!"

"Mhm" I mumble "god, go to bed Noah amber jinx!" Cole yells putting his hand on his forehead

ugh he used my full name, he thinks he's that guy haha....he's not


Obviously the more juicy goods will come VERY soon I promise best friends 🤍🙏🙈


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