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I wake up in the warm embrace of Ares Maddox, is it bad I'm low-key starting to like him?

Who am I kidding of course is bad it is horrible absolutely disgraceful

"Hey, love birds wake up!" I hear the voice of Roy and I shoot away from Ares which wakes him up, he looks at Roy "what the fuck do you want?" He says then reaches out to be and pulls me back to him, he wraps his arm around my waist

"Get the fuck up the feds are here!" Roy yells and my heart drops out my asshole, wait the cops...I can get help and get back to Cole!

I get out of the bed, run to the balcony and look down at the swarm of police and FBI officers, Jesus Christ...all this for them?, what did they do other than murder and Kidnap me, more murder?

"Hey, Noah get inside!" Roy yells grabbing my wrist and pulling me in "it's gonna be fine, we will be okay I promise" he reassures me, I couldn't care less anymore if they get nabbed by the police, I only liked being with Ares because I had no hope and he wasn't in his criminal moment

"Yea we will be fine" I say, I have to make them believe I'm with them "come on put something on" Ares says tossing my jeans at me

I head towards the bathroom but Ares stops me "no time hurry up just put them on now!" Here?! "Oh hell no, I am a lady" I say then lock myself in the bathroom "Noah!" Roy and Ares say in unison

Okay so my plan is.... Make them think they can trust me then- oh wait...the window, we are on the 5th floor but oh well all I need to do I get the police's attention and I'm sure they have one of those catchy things

I open the window as silent as possible and stick my head out, I see a lot and I mean A LOT of law enforcement, I grab the first thing I see witch happens to be toothpaste and I throw it down and hit the FBI agent on the shoulder, wow I have good aim

The guy looks up and I flap my arms like a crackhead, he looks at me with a questionable expression then it seems like he got the message because he got the others attention and something pulls out a missing persons report and hold it up for me to see, wow...that's a picture of me on that paper with missing written under it

I nod to confirm that it was me and they immediately start getting something out of the van "Noah what the fuck are you doing come on!" I hear Ares yell and I start the panic when he starts trying to get in "unlock the door Noah!" Roy yells

The law enforcement get the big landing pad out and motion for me to jump, everything is going according to plan

"Noah!" The boys yell and I hear the rest of the guys come into the hotel room "come on!" They yell then they start to break the door open, I prop myself up onto the window ledge and just as I'm about to jump out I feel a familiar pair of hand around my waist

Ares has caught me and all I have left to is fight and scream so I do

"ARES! LET ME GO, HELP ME!!" I wriggle and fight him until I come up with the wonderful idea to bite him and he drops me on the ground, rude

I run to the window and I'm basically already out the window when I feel two people grab me
Roy and Stefan, assholes

"Get her" Roy says then proceeds to throw me over Ares's shoulder and ares carry's me out the bathroom and I don't see much less except the occasional staircase but somehow they make it out the the hotel and into the cars

Roy, will and Stefan went in the other one again and Ares puts me in the passenger seat then drives pull power to wherever "you idiot, I could have gotten away, back to my brother!" I yell looking back at the other guys following us

"You think I'm just gonna let you escape, think again stalker" I groan and curl up putting my head in my knees with my feet on the seat then I just cry and cry and cry

"Are you crying?" I nod at his words then the car pulls into a driveway, he gets out and opens my door and picks me up bridal style "I can walk asshole" I say wiping my soaked wet cheeks

"I can't trust you" he says "you want to though" I reply "yea I do..." he says


You know the drill


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