Part 3

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Following Thomas around wasn't giving you any extra information, he seemed to be nothing more than a mundane man. Given that your encounter in the alley had been a bit awkward, to call it something, it was time to take action and step into his life.

You got up and dressed nicely in your regular clothes, no shadowhunter gear this time. It was important to appear normal, you thought, as you grabbed your coat and stepped into the foggy street.

The Shelby Company Limited building raised in front of you, the view wasn't any special. You took the opportunity to straighten a lock of hair and make sure that your weapons were well hidden under your dress. With your best smile, you entered the building, heading to Thomas's office. It wasn't difficult to find, he was the owner after all.

A dark haired woman who might be his secretary looked up at you as you stood in front of her desk.

"I want to see Mr. Shelby," you said, smiling politely.

She looked you over from head to toe and rolled her eyes. It made you feel a bit insulted but you tried to ignore it.

"Do you have an appointment?" she asked reluctantly, perhaps a bit annoyed, as if she already knew the answer. Or as if this weren't the first time that an unknown woman came to see her boss unannounced.

You ran a finger across the wooden surface of the desk. "No," you admitted, looking down. "But I'm sure Mr. Shelby will make an exception for me."

"Sorry but I can't let you see him without an appointment. Mr. Shelby is busy, he probably won't be back for several hours. I can see if he has any free appointments next week..."

"No, thank you", you cut her mid sentence and turned around to leave. The skirt of your dress fluttered gracefully as you left under her narrow eyed stare.

Of course it couldn't be that easy.

Once outside in the street, you looked for a quiet and hidden place. The first empty alley would work perfectly. You searched in your purse until you found your stele and rolled up the sleeve of your coat. After making sure that no one was watching, you drew a glamour on your forearm. The burning sensation was quite comforting.

Without hesitation, you resumed your way to the building with the difference that this time no one turned their heads to stare at you.

You walked past the secretary's desk without her noticing your presence, as expected, and carefully turned the doorknob to Thomas's office. It was closed. With a sigh, you took out the stele again and drew a mark on the door surface. Immediately, the lock gave way under your hand. Carefully, you opened it enough to get in without drawing the secretary's attention.

Then, you drew a mark on the door again, closing it, as if nothing had happened.

The office was empty.

You inspected every surface, the room was richly decorated. Since you had no idea of how long it would take Thomas to come, you took your time exploring every corner until you finally took a seat in the chair behind the dark wooden desk, placing your coat on the side. You took off your glamour and looked through the mess of papers scattered in front of you, business, business, nothing incriminatory.

But it made you smile, the chaos on the desk reminded you of your own mess in your small apartment. At least you had something in common with that man. Given that you didn't find anything interesting that could help to clarify any of your research, you leaned back, making yourself comfortable, prepared to wait.

After a while, you heard the secretary's voice greeting Thomas, as well as his deeper voice. You bit your lip expectantly as he inserted the key into the lock and entered the office, without noticing your presence at first. You watched him hang his dark wool coat on the rack, completely unaware.

When the darkness comes | Tommy Shelby x shadowhunter!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now