Miss Missing You

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(Pete's POV)

I don't know why we were meeting at Joe's house. The song was written. The music was made. Now Patrick only needed to record the vocals. Joe didn't have that equipment in his house. Even if he now did, only Patrick would need to show up. This was pointless.

But I was walking down the path to his house anyway. My resting bitch face in full effect. I rang the door bell once and waited. Their were muffled sounds on the other side of the door. So the other guys were here already.

The door opened and there stood a very disheveled Joe. His chest was rising and falling rapidly. I looked past him into the house and saw Andy. He looked just as out of order as Joe did. What the hell were they doing in there?

Vivid memories and Patrick and I flashed through my mind. How we would be at each other as soon as we had a minute of free time. No matter where we were or what we were doing. In the car on the way to rehearsal. In a closet at a shoot. In the bathroom at one of the rest stops. I smirked. Joe and Andy huh?

"Well, aren't you going to let me in?"

They exchanged glances. Joe stepped to the side and let me in. I looked around the room. The furniture was moved oddly. Like someone dragged it out of place. A few things were knocked around. Sheesh. These guys were animals. I held on my laughter.


"No need to explain to me. Are we waiting for Patrick?"

The exchanged glances again. This was getting creepy. But I knew how it felt when you needed to keep what you were doing a secret. So I was going to just ignore it. I glanced over the off angle couch and frowned. A shoe? I bent over to pick it up.it was one of those ugly, classic shoes. Like the one Patrick-

I felt someone grab my waist and I yelped. Slightly higher than I'd meant to. I tried to yank away from whoever was holding me. But in all honestly, I didn't try to hard. It was either Andy or Joe. And they were probably playing some bullshit prank. So I let them pull me out of the room. I realized it was Joe when Andy walked over to open a closet. Joe tosses me in and the door slammed shut.

"Very funny, assholes!" I yelled, slamming my fist against the door.

"Don't panic. They're not letting us out."

I jumped at the words spoken from behind me. I turned to glace back and realized there was no light in this fucking closet.

"What?" Smart question, Pete.

"I said they're not letting us out." A small light flashed throughout the closest. Patrick's face came into view and I faked a gag. "Trust me, I don't want to be in here anymore than you do."

"I highly doubt that."

"Can you please not be a dick for one minute. Andy says they're not letting us out until we make nice."

"I'm not making nice with you. I don't even want to talk to you."

"Well, I want to talk to you."

"Too bad." I clapped my hand over my ears. "Because I'm not listening."

I wish that actually worked. I wish I could just cover my ears and not hear a single sound. But sadly, it doesn't work. Patrick held the light, which I now noticed was coming from his phone, closer to his face. He was frowning. I guess his dad never told him that his face could get stuck like that.

"Pete," He started with a sigh. I tightened my hands on my ears. "I know you don't want to hear my explanation." He was so right. But he kept talking anyway. "And I'm the one you wish you could forget existed." Wow, Patrick was two for two today. "But I have to explain."

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