Save Rock and Roll

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"You want apologies girl you might hold your breath until your breathing stops forever."

I paused the video I was playing on my phone and smiled. I remembered that line and I remember why I wrote it. It was so weird going back and watching our old performances. The small venues, the faulty instruments the fashion choices. They were some of the best memories of my life. Sometimes it gave me all the nostalgic feels. I rewinded the video back a few seconds so I could hear Patrick sing the line again.

"You want apologies girl you might hold your breath until your breathing stops forever."

"Please turn that off." I heard Patrick groan into the pillow beside me.

As instructed, I paused the video again. So sleepy beauty had finally awoken and it was only - I glanced at the top of my phone screen for the time - two in the afternoon. That was early for him.

"Good afternoon, princesses. How did you sleep."


"Did you dream of me?"

"I always dream of you. And sometimes the dreams are better than real life." He turned his head so that his face wasn't buried in the pillow. "Ugh, I wish I could live less and dream more."

"You're getting there. Because you sleep longer than anyone I've ever met."

"Fuck you, I was up late doing some business-y stuff."

"And what were you doing?"

He flipped from him stomach, onto his side to look at me. Bless Patrick Stump's morning face. Especially the stubble around his chin and above his lip. He'd go to sleep a small twink at night and wake up a strong bear. I laughed at my thoughts and he frowned. Probably thinking I was laughing at him.

"I was emailing Kay and a few of the label guys." He said defensively. "And guess what?"


"Elton John wants to work with us."

"What?!" This time it was way more enthusiastic. This better not be some sick joke. Patrick knew how much I loved Elton John.

"Elton John wants to work with Fall Out Boy."

"L-Like sing or like produce? Does he want to write for us? Does he want us to write for him?" I was practically bouncing up and down on the bed now.

"I don't know all the details. Manager says we should already have a song written just in case."

"We need a song! Holy shit we need a song for Elton John! What is life?"

"Life is but a dream." Patrick sang the words dramatically. "Now get up. Andy and Joe are meeting us at the studio at three."

"It's already two, Patrick."

"Holy smokes! Why didn't you wake me?" He jumped from the bed. Grabbing his jeans that he'd discarded last night.

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