Chapter Eight: Tomorrow

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In the same room of Ceangailte they'd used before, Rosalyn woke early, full of nervous energy. She rolled out of bed, careful not to wake her sister. She walked toward the bathroom and noticed an envelope on the floor near the door.

She reached down to grab it and flipped it over in her hand, finding it was addressed to her and Rowena. Glancing back to where her sister lay breathing loudly, she opened the envelope quietly.

In the same curly script of the first letter, she read: Meet in the main foyer at noon. Departure will be shortly thereafter.

Rosalyn sighed and rubbed at the tension developing at the base of her skull. Throwing the letter on Rowena's bedside table, she rummaged through her bag for a running outfit.

As soon as her sneakers were laced, she bolted out of the door and toward the back exit. Stepping into the cool of the morning, she breathed in the fresh air that smelled richly of pines and grass. Looking quickly through her phone, she selected a song and took off toward the trail, feet pounding to the beat of AC/DC's "Thunderstruck."

The trail wove meticulously through the green trees, and Rosalyn had to mind her step so that she missed the roots bursting up from the damp soil. She let her playlist shuffle as she pushed deeper into the woods.

Her mind drifted to the place they were headed. The fear bubbled inside of her, almost boiling into panic. They had left the safety of America, a place men and women, like her brother, fought for and protected. They left the luxury of that for a place at war, where they'd be the soldiers, the protectors.

She looked up at the morning sun peeking through the trees, scattering rays of light onto the forest floor below. She quickened her step and her breathing grew heavier. She had been running at a hard incline and could see an opening up ahead. She sprinted toward it. Her heart raced, only spurring her on.

Rosalyn leaped through the opening in the trees and onto a large rock at the edge of a drop off. She threw her hands over her head and panted wildly as she looked down over the green, rolling hills. Somewhere in the distance she spotted a blue loch sparkling. Small houses dotted the valley below.

She swiveled and found the castle at the base of the hill. The structure looked as asleep as the inhabitants inside, and a thin fog hung over the grounds.

It was the spot from her memory. Only now, there was no darkness left over from the night sky. It was morning, and the windows glistened in the early sun.

Her breath quickened until she was doubled over, clutching at her chest. Her heart pounded as it had in her vision from the key.

Rosalyn shut her eyes tightly. She could hear the screams of children, the tread of feet falling on stone. Her breathing grew fast as the fear overwhelmed her. Her face became wet with tears, and she wiped at them furiously. She caught a hint of light somewhere in the distance, but like always, it was too far out of reach.

Through the chaos a voice reached her ears, "Do not fear the darkness, my darling. With valor you face it, and with wisdom you conquer it." The voice was strong and feminine. "Nothing can defeat my sturdy Rose." The voice faded, as if blown away with the breeze.

Rosalyn's eyes snapped open. She was on her knees, arms wrapped around herself rocking violently back and forth as she fought to control her breathing.

"Rosalyn? Rosalyn!" Rane ran toward her from the trail and knelt beside her. "What happened?" She wrapped her arms protectively around her and looked around for the cause. "Are you hurt?"

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