Chapter Eighteen: The Days Before the Hunt

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They were to leave for their journey to Dun Fiain in less than a day. Rosalyn was exhausted from the hours spent riding Cat, training heavily, and sitting through lengthy High Council meetings.

Rosalyn closed the book about the history of Kreetan tribes, and sprinted through the corridors to the High Council meeting. Rosalyn had filled her limited free time buried in books on the Kreet, Dun Fiain, and recent accounts about Kerres's reign and fall.

She missed Eliza and her time in the infirmary, but she missed her sister the most. The rift between them grew, making her feel off as if she was losing a price of herself. She shook the feeling off and entered the Guard's Hall.

Settling into her high-backed wooden chair, she rubbed at the back of her neck as the conversation rolled through the room. On occasion, she flipped open her own notebook to write down important information.

"The people of Kreet will not willingly allow passage without payment. Even then, we can about guarantee that they will go and sell the news of their presence to Kerres's men," Leery shook his head vigorously.

"We're not paying them off. What kind of message would that send if word got out. Half of the Kreet falls on our side of the border. It's bad enough the savages openly disobey the laws of our land. We will not pay them to do so," Rane retorted.

The sconces on the walls were lit and a crackling fire burned in the large fireplace behind the main table in Guard's Hall. Rosalyn listened intently as she had been for the last hour or so, ignoring the growl from her stomach, as the queen and her council deliberated.

"I quite agree and that's not what I was suggesting," Leery said. "They must avoid them at all cost. If they come across any Kreetan, man or woman, they must kill them. It's the only way."

The room fell silent, except for the occasional pop of the flames.

Rane shook her head. "I don't like it."

Hansel cleared his throat, "I am afraid in this circumstance, Your Majesty, it is the only way to ensure the safety of your men and women."

She looked out at Lennox, Finley, Micah, and Kallon who had joined the meeting to discuss plans for the journey. Her gaze rested on Rosalyn for a beat before landing on Alex. "All right, but no children."

"Your Majesty, I-," Leery began.

Her icy green eyes fell on Leery. "No children," she repeated with finality. "We'd be no better than Kerres himself."

"Yes, Your Highness," he answered with a small bow of his head.

Lady Bealmide raised her voice. "Sir Leery has arranged for enough food for a fortnight. We are unable to arrange for more than that while also ensuring quick travels. If the journey lasts longer than a fortnight, which we are almost certain it will, you must hunt for your food."

"Does anyone have any experience hunting?" Leery asked, clearly concerned.

"I do," Alex answered, not mentioning the fact that it was solely with a rifle.

"Some," Kallon stated and nodded toward Alex.

Leery looked relieved. "Great, and I am sure Mr. Frewyn and Mr. Gannon will be able to help."

Rosalyn felt nauseous. For the first time since their arrival, they were heading out into real danger, and the notion was just settling into her already rumbling stomach.

"Special fur cloaks, gloves, and boots will be packed and waiting for you. You'll need them in the Dark Forest and then again when you get closer to the Kreet. The nights are getting colder yet," Bealmide added.

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